St Clement East Dulwich west elevation 21 4 2005

Saint Clement East Dulwich

Folder: London Churches

St Clement East Dulwich west elevation 21 4 2005

The statue of Saint Clement, East Dulwich 21 4 200…

Saint Clement East Dulwich - east elevation 10 3…

10 Mar 2008 136

St Clement East Dulwich from SE 14 7 2008

The sanctuary Saint Clement's East Dulwich 5 10 20…

05 Oct 2007 1 146
2007 - The full set of crimson wooden candlesticks are in use. The celebrant, now referred to by some as the president, has a seat in the centre of the lowest level of the sanctuary, flanked by seats for assistants or servers.

Saint Clement East Dulwich - interior to west - 1…

Saint Clement East Dulwich - Font covers - photogr…

Saint Clement East Dulwich - Font & Pascal Candle…

27 Dec 2007 208

Pascal Candle - Saint Clement's East Dulwich

16 Apr 2006 3 206
I know it's a bit odd popping Easter cards into the site in November, but, guess what, I have just joined another group 'National and other holidays...'

Saint Clement, East Dulwich, north pulpit

02 Jul 2006 2 189
Part of a set of photos to guide sound engineers.

Saint Clement, East Dulwich, south pulpit

02 Jul 2006 173
Part of a set of photos to guide sound engineers.

St Clement East Dulwich sanctuary as in 1999

09 Sep 2014 152
At this period the altar has been moved forward to the edge of the top level. The celebrant now faces the congregation. The six ornate candlesticks are placed on top of the long box which is the store for the altar frontals that are not in use.The first of the new crimson wooden candlesticks now appear on the altar, while the brass standard candlesticks are still in use.

St Clement East Dulwich stained glass Lady Chapel

St Clement East Dulwich Baptistry window 5 6 2005