Brighton Modelworld 2016 1st floor auditorium - north end

Brighton Modelworld 2016

142 visits  |  Translate into English

Folder: Arts & artefacts - Museums, galleries, exhibitions, music and other art forms
Photos from the final year of this exhibition. It was apparently not well enough supported! As can be seen it had a very varied range of models and toys. There were other displays not shown here, including flying model aircraft and demonstrations of model making or customizing.

Brighton Modelworld 2016 1st floor auditorium - no…

20 Feb 2016 142
The first of a large group of photos from the final year of this annual exhibition of all sorts of models.

Brighton Modelworld 2016 burger van from the fairg…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Living in Miniature 1 12…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Mid Sussex Model Engineer…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Lyndon 1870 free-lance na…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Sam & the lego Ferris whe…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 One of the fairground mod…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Scary Titan wants his pho…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Sir John Briscoe's Circus…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Titan & his female fans

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Tamiya Truckin’s radio-co…

20 Feb 2016 1 163
A smaller-scale view of the construction industry. The Brighton Modelworld event no longer takes place - regrettably. Lower attendance figures were quoted as the reason, but it always seemed crowded to me. I think that the venue's fees for a three day event probably had more to do with it.

Sam trapped in the Tardis by Daleks

20 Feb 2016 3 168
The last of a large group of photos from the final year of this annual exhibition of all sorts of models.

Sam & Nat about to be exterminated

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Sussex Vintage Model Rail…

Pullman fans

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Lego Sabre-tooth Tiger

Brighton Modelworld 2016 Dave Pentecost of Horsham…

Brighton Modelworld 2016 7mm Narrow Gauge Associat…