Bodiam Castle from the North-east - Summer 1998

Bodiam Castle, Sussex - Summer 1998

Folder: Castles, fortifications and military installations.
Photographs taken of Bodiam Castle in the Summer of 1998 on 35mm film. These are scans of prints.The Bodiam Bombard is a very large calibre gun, which was in the Firepower Military Museum at Woolwich. This has been disbanded and I do not know where it is currently.

Bodiam Castle from the North-east - Summer 1998

Bodiam Castle & pillbox from the South

The Bodiam Bombard 14to16C Firepower Woolwich 25 7…

Pill box to the South-west of Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Castle from the NW

Bodiam Castle from the South-east - Summer 1998

Bodiam Castle - West elevation

Bodiam Castle - the North-east corner - Summer 199…

Bodiam Castle - the inside of the North Wall and m…

Bodiam Castle - the Gate House in the North wall -…

Bodiam Castle - North elevation and bridges - Summ…

Bodiam Castle - inside of the East wall - Summer 1…

Bodiam Castle - a view to the west - Summer 1998