Martello 64 - Eastbourne - noon on 5.1.2011

Martello Towers

Folder: Castles, fortifications and military installations.

Martello 64 - Eastbourne - noon on 5.1.2011

Seaford Head & Martello 74 - 14.1.2012

14 Jan 2012 236
This is the most westward of the Kent & Sussex Martello Towers. With part of its moat covered over, it is now the town's museum, run by volunteers and open mainly on Sundays, but a bit more frequently in the holiday season. More details from:

Cameronian sentry- Martello Tower 74 - Seaford - 1…

15 Sep 2013 1 316
Martello Tower 74 is the home of the Seaford Town Museum. The history of the Tower can be seen here -

Cameronians fraternizing - Martello Tower 74 - Sea…

15 Sep 2013 1 1 315
Martello Tower 74 is the home of the Seaford Town Museum.

Cameronian Regiment - Brown Bess demo - Seaford -…

Cameronians & Foot Guard at Seaford Martello - 15.…

15 Sep 2013 344
The Martello Tower is the home of the Seaford Museum. It was built near the end of the Napoleonic wars and never saw any action. This is the dry moat area. The other half of the moat has been covered in and houses most of the museum. The Museum has recently been given money to improve access to its displays, with a ramped bridge over this area and a lift within a cavity in the Tower's wall.

Pryor's Caterpillar - Seaford Martello Tower - 4.3…

athlete 349 - Martello 74 - South Coast Triathlon…

04 Jul 2015 1 257
Seaford's Martello Tower - no. 74 - is the most westerly of a chain of forts that start in East Anglia.

Pryor's Caterpillar Seaford Martello Tower 4 3 201…

Access bridge to Martello tower no.74 from the eas…

29 Nov 2018 175
This bridge has been built, after a lot of negotiation with the historic conservation authorities, to give easier access to Seaford Museum, for people with mobility problems. The existing entrance led to a flight of quite steep stone steps, inside this Napoleonic gun tower.

Access bridge - Martello 74 - from west - 29 11 20…

29 Nov 2018 190
This bridge has been built, after a lot of negotiation with the historic conservation authorities, to give easier access to Seaford Museum, for people with mobility problems. The existing entrance led to a flight of quite steep stone steps, inside this Napoleonic gun tower.

Martellos 64 & 66 - Eastbourne - noon on 5.1.2011

Wish Tower Martello 73 Eastbourne 15 4 2021 from n…

Wish Tower Martello 73 Eastbourne 15 4 2021 from w…

Martello Tower No 74 Seaford from the north-west

Martello 74's gun Seaford 15 9 2013

Cannon on Martello Tower No 74 Seaford

Martello 74 from south Seaford 1 4 2008