The Redoubt - Eastbourne - view to landward - 18.8.2010

Eastbourne Redoubt

Folder: Castles, fortifications and military installations.

The Redoubt - Eastbourne - view to landward - 18.8…

Eastbourne Redoubt cannon on traversing mount - 1…

18 Aug 2010 347
It has been noted elsewhere that this is not one of the weapons originally mounted in the Redoubt.

Eastbourne Redoubt carronades - 18.8.2010

18 Aug 2010 295
It has been noted elsewhere that this is not the type of the weapon originally that would have been mounted in the Redoubt.

Eastbourne Redoubt Ferret Scout Car - 18.8.2010

18 Aug 2010 237
This one is clearly in need of restoration.

Eastbourne Redoubt parade ground - 18.8.2010

Eastbourne Redoubt parade ground looking South-Eas…