Peacock butterfly - Ouse Estuary Nature Reserve - 12.3.2014

Butterflies & Moths

Folder: The natural world
Butterflies and Moths, mainly photographed in Sussex, since 2009.

Peacock butterfly - Ouse Estuary Nature Reserve -…

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly - East Blatchington…

12 Mar 2014 211
Probably tired out from its exertions the other day, this Tortoiseshell was enjoying a bit of sun bathing, in a more accessible spot today.

Holly Blue - East Blatchington - 19.4.2014

19 Apr 2014 238
One of the first pair seen this year. They are only seen together on the wing - in my garden at least! Obligingly posed on one of two holly trees - the prickly berryless one. The other has berries, but no prickles.

Small Tortoiseshell - East Blatchington - 3.9.2013

Small Skipper butterfly - East Blatchington Pond -…

Marbled White - Chyngton - Seaford - 30.6.2014

30 Jun 2014 254
There were scores of these on a piece of uncultivated land between the town and the fields on the South Downs. A few Small Skippers, some Meadow Browns and the odd Small Heath made up the rest of the cast!

Marbled Whites - Chyngton - Seaford - 30.6.2014

Comma butterfly - Chyngton - Seaford - 30.6.2014

Tortoiseshell on a net curtain 2 7 2014

02 Jul 2014 157
If a butterfly wanders into the house, it must expect to have its photo taken!

Tortoiseshell butterfly - East Blatchington - 30.7…

30 Jul 2014 1 206
We don't have square clouds here - the white shape to the left of the photo is the window frame of our blue-painted summer house - all nicely out of focus.

Large White butterfly on Red Campion Havenstreet…

Holly Blue butterfly - Bishopstone - Sussex - 5.6.…

05 Jun 2015 1 242
....or should this be Bramble Blue, given its current perch.

Common Blue Butterfly - East Blatchington Pond - S…

06 Jun 2015 1 224
There seem to be very few butterflies around this year. I don't think that I have seen more than a couple of any species. We have a Holly Blue in our garden fairly frequently and an odd Small White. I think I have seen a Comma, a Peacock, a Painted Lady and a handful of Tortoiseshells. There are a couple of Speckled Woods in their usual corner of our churchyard. Bee and Hoverfly numbers are also down significantly. I haven't been out specifically looking for insects, but usually they have just been there when I have been walking & snapping.

A Small Skipper butterfly - Friston - Sussex - 22.…

A female Small Tortoiseshell Cradle Hill Seaford 2…

21 Jun 2016 1 230
Would this butterfly get into a better position? No!

Comma - East Blatchington - 16.7.2016

Peacock - East Blatchington - 16.7.2016

16 Jul 2016 2 4 417
I think that the 'halo' must be a flower petal, but it defines the head nicely.

Gatekeeper butterfly Stanmer Park 26 7 2016

125 items in total