GWR 2-8-0 in distress

Swindon in the 50s & 60s

Folder: Railways including tramways
Photos taken by John Sutters, my father, and his friends Alan Newman & Michael Brown on visits to Swindon Works in the 1950s & '60s with a few others, some from official sources.
These photos will appear in other albums as well.

GWR 2-8-0 in distress

24 Jan 2011 2 394
From John Sutters collection. Probably at Swindon - unless you know better! Later - It was and it shows a rerailing system trial.

GWR 4-6-0 4021 King Edward prepared to haul the Ro…

20 May 1910 964
Most likely photographed at Swindon prior to setting out for Paddington, on 20th May 1910 - or possibly a day or two beforehand. This is not a King class locomotive, but a Star class, renamed for this duty, I believe.

GWR 4-6-2 no.111 The Great Bear - Swindon - 1908 -…

01 Jan 1908 991
The date and location are based on the construction date and location, as these 'photographic' grey shots were taken at completion, then the current livery was painted, before entering service.

GWR 4-6-0 4079 - Pendennis Castle - Swindon - 1925

01 Jan 1925 1 453
This looks like a postcard made from the offical photograph, taken on completion in 1925 at Swindon. However, as 4079 took part in the exchange trials of 1925, this could have been taken elsewhere, even off GW metals.

Ex.G.W.R. 0-6-0ST 1362 of Bridgwater Docks at Swin…

17 Mar 1958 756
Not photographed in Somerset, this loco has a strong link with the county, spending a number of years shunting at Bridgwater Docks.

BR WR Hymek D7000 Swindon 31.5.1961 by John Sutter…

31 May 1961 465
50 years ago today!

BR Britannia 4-6-2 70025 Western Star - Swindon 21…

GWR 0-6-0PT possibly 2728 at Swindon

0000-00-00 00:00:00 398
The numberplate is almost illegible - you reach a point where pushing the magnification up is counter-productive. As for the location - the buildings look more like workshops than engine sheds - but I could well be wrong! 2728 was withdrawn in 1948. Locos ending their working lives sometimes ended up shunting around Swindon Works, so this could have been around 1947/8

GWR 0-6-0ST 1361 at Swindon works possibly

21 Nov 2012 1 297
This looks like Swindon to me, but I am always happy to be corrected by more knowledgeable people.

Great Western Railway 4-6-0 4934 Hindlip Hall - Sw…

11 Apr 1961 2 610
This version was scanned from a negative. One scanned from a print is at

Former GWR 2-6-2T 5510 - Swindon Works - 18.9.1957

GWR 4-6-0 5002 Ludlow Castle Swindon 18 3 1960

18 Mar 1960 952
Former Great Western Railway locomotive at Swindon on 18th March 1960

0-6-0 diesel 15100 (GWR no 2) - Swindon - 18.3.196…

18 Mar 1960 679
Former Great Western Railway locomotive at Swindon on 18th March 1960

GWR 4-6-0 7800 Torquay Manor - Swindon 18.3.1960

18 Mar 1960 748
Former Great Western Railway locomotive at Swindon on 18th March 1960

GWR 2-8-2T 7250 Swindon 18 3 1960

30 Mar 2011 2 290
Former Great Western Railway locomotive at Swindon on 18th March 1960

GWR 2-6-2T 4561 Swindon 4 5 1959

GWR 2-6-0s 6322 6328 5386 & 0-4-2T 1456 Swindon 4.…

GWR 0-6-0PT 8465 & 0-4-2T 1464 Swindon 18 3 1960

30 Mar 2011 508
Former Great Western Railway locomotives at Swindon on 18th March 1960

36 items in total