Eastbourne St Mary the Virgin Jesus blessing children C&B 1872

Eastbourne Saint Mary the Virgin - windows

Folder: Stained glass windows

Eastbourne St Mary the Virgin Jesus blessing child…

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Eastbourne St Mary the Virgin + SS George & Franci…

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18 Oct 2018 134
Robert Eberhard's online database of windows suggests that 'The raising of Jairus' daughter' is the subject of this window, but has no documentary evidence to support this. The halo around the woman or girl's head might contradict that idea. An alternative might be Saint Peter's restoration to life of Tabitha, also known as Dorcas. There is an icon, in a site published by the Orthodox Church of America, that has this scene, although with additional figures around Saint Peter and Saint Tabitha. Saint Peter is in a similar pose and with a strikingly similar hair style. Saint Tabitha is sitting up, again in a similar pose. Possibly this window was inspired by that icon or shared an earlier source with it.

St Mary Eastbourne SS Margaret & Bartholomew by C&…

Eastbourne - in the church of St Mary the Virgin -…

Eastbourne - in the church of St Mary the Virgin -…

Eastbourne - in the church of St Mary the Virgin -…