All the windows in this church were installed between 1950 and 1960, all the previous ones having been blown out in World War 2. The coats of arms are set in quite deep circular apertures, with a consequent loss from view of the lower edges. Possibly one could photograph them from a greater distance but that could reduce the clarity of the images and in some cases pillars would also cause difficulties. The church has an excellent website with much historical detail about this church and the churches of Saint Thomas, Saint Anne and Saint Michael whose parishes have been incorporated into Saint Magnus' as the churches have disappeared over the centuries, for different reasons.
All the windows in this church were installed between 1950 and 1960, all the previous ones having been blown out in World War 2. The coats of arms are set in quite deep circular apertures, with a consequent loss from view of the lower edges. Possibly one could photograph them from a greater distance but that could reduce the clarity of the images and in some cases pillars would also cause difficul…
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