5 to 11 Grange Walk Bermondsey London SE1 25 04 2006

Southwark's listed buildings

Folder: London
This album contains photos, not always good in photographic terms, of buildings, in Southwark, London, on Historic England's list of important buildings. They may be on for architectural or historic reasons.As the 'list' has details of the buildings' histories and their important features I have kept my descriptions fairly brief.

5 to 11 Grange Walk Bermondsey London SE1 25 04 20…

15 Grange Walk Bermondsey London SE1 25 04 2006

15 Spa Road internal detail 13 3 2006

9 Grange Walk Bermondsey London SE1 25 04 2006

19 Spa Road Bermondsey 26 6 2007

15 Spa Road model 26 6 2007

26 Jun 2007 192
The 'location' shows the location of the building, of which this is a model. At the time of photography the model was in the Borough Architect's offices in 19 Spa Road a couple of buildings away..

15 Spa Road Bermondsey London 1 3 2006

15 Spa Road east side 1 3 2006

Sundial on 29 Peckham Road London SE5

29 Peckham Road London 31 1 2009

31 Jan 2009 1 171
This was my first place of work, in the Welfare Department Area 4, office at the back of this building.

29 Peckham Road London fr SE 31 1 2009

67 Grange Walk 2 views & doorway 16 4 2007

78 80 & 82 Dulwich Village 16 4 2005

117 Dulwich Village 1200dpi

Anchor Tap rear Brewery Square SE1 9 8 2006

Belair from the south Dulwich

Belair Mansion Dulwich west elevation

Bell Cottage College Road Dulwich

34 items in total