The Red Bellied Woodpeckers had a male & a female chick this year This is the female


The Red Bellied Woodpeckers had a male & a female…

09 Aug 2013 360
Last month I was able to take a compilation of photos of the adult female teaching her female chick how to bury seeds and corn in the tree bark ! This next five photos shows the male and female chicks feeding themselves on the old Black Walnut tree . They were together but not on the same frame ! So one of the pics I patched them together ! One Note at Top Left

The Red Bellied Woodpeckers had a male & a female…

09 Aug 2013 3 2 289
Last month I was able to take a compilation of photos of the adult female teaching her female chick how to bury seeds and corn in the tree bark ! This next five photos shows the male and female chicks feeding themselves on the old Black Walnut tree . They were together but not on the same frame ! So one of the pics I patched them together ! Three Notes at Top Left

The Red Bellied Woodpeckers had a male & a female…

09 Aug 2013 1 1 304
Last month I was able to take a compilation of photos of the adult female teaching her female chick how to bury seeds and corn in the tree bark ! This next five photos shows the male and female chicks feeding themselves on the old Black Walnut tree . They were together but not on the same frame ! So one of the pics I patched them together ! One Note at Top Left

The Red Bellied Woodpeckers had a male & a female…

09 Aug 2013 3 1 299
Last month I was able to take a compilation of photos of the adult female teaching her female chick how to bury seeds and corn in the tree bark ! This next five photos shows the male and female chicks feeding themselves on the old Black Walnut tree . They were together but not on the same frame ! So one of the pics I patched them together ! One Note at Top Left

The Red Bellied Woodpeckers had a male & a female…

House Finch (m)

07 Aug 2013 11 11 409
This fellow came for the first time this year and has been a daily visitor for 5 weeks. The female is around too and I have seen a youngster.

Fresh out the bath ~ Eastern Bluebird

05 Jul 2013 4 7 379
Almond & Blue for the Colour of The Month Group

My Red Bellied Woodpecker Mum with baby Teaching…

04 Jul 2013 4 10 590
OK... not world class photography I know.. but as much as I see Mum and Dad all year.. this was a first for seeing a chick and parent. I grabbed the camera and reeled off the pics through the window !

Red Breasted Nuthatch are the usual in England but…

21 Jun 2013 9 8 471
Red Breasted Nuthatch are the usual in England but I have waited 7 years to see the red variety here in Oklahoma ,America

White Breasted Nuthatch

21 Jun 2013 19 17 633
White Breasted Nuthatch.. the Upside Downside Up bird !

Mrs Eastern Bluebird with food for the babies

Mr Eastern Bluebird

This Cardinal stunned himself flying into a window…

23 Jan 2013 16 17 616
This Cardinal stunned himself flying into a window He recovered ! I was holding him with one hand... trying to hold the camera with the other ! I have arthritis in my hands and it was becoming a farce ! I managed to get a series of photos then placed him carefully but securely in a hedge.. I kept watch and after about 30 minutes he hopped out and was up and away ! I also have suncatchers at the windows that act like decals.. and it has cut down on the bumps considerably !

It snowed 28-12-12 Cardinal (f)

Crested Titmouse

26 Dec 2012 13 16 493
"T" for the Alphabet site

First scattering of snow and the turkeys ! 10-12-…

Pileated Woodpecker(m) outside my window ! 12-7-1…

71 items in total