Moonflower with raindrops

Flowers ,Trees & Plants

Moonflower in the morning

10 Jun 2014 34 46 971
Unusual for them to be so fresh still in the morning. A couple of hour later... she had faded. EXPLORED !

Her Summer Dress 18-6-2014 This Beautiful Tree

18 Jun 2014 11 19 721
Her Summer Dress 18-6-2014 This is the third of 4 eventual seasonal photos of her This Cottonwood is around 80-100 years old and is huge ..... probably 90 -100 feet tall..... and is growing about 2 miles away and I love her. She has an amazingly charmed life because most trees in this State are ice damaged... and she is barely touched. I have wanted to take a "Four Seasons" of her.. This is her Summer Dress. Her Winter one is in the photo Note (top Right) Her Spring one is in the photo Note (2nd down top Right)

Moonflowers and raindrops (Datura inoxia) Collage

10 Sep 2014 20 27 887
This week will probably see the last of the Moonflowers. Tonight a 2 minute rain and thunderstorm flashed through and the Moonflowers turned into diamond encrusted beauties. These are the Shamans flowers. The perfume is exquisite. Hand held and with flash.

Sunset through my Pines.....

26 Sep 2014 37 52 1134
....... and thankfully not fire ! It caught me out for a moment though... heart stopping ! EXPLORED !

Autumn hued Grape vine leaves

25 Oct 2014 25 28 883
At our local vineyards and wineries the vines are just beginning to turn their Autumn colours. The grapes are in... the harvest was good... the taste of Summer is now soon to be in the bottle.

Autumn hued Grape vine leaves Pt 2 !

25 Oct 2014 38 64 1038
This was the photo I MEANT to put up !! At our local vineyards and wineries the vines are just beginning to turn their Autumn colours. The grapes are in... the harvest was good... the taste of Summer is now soon to be in the bottle. EXPLORE !

November Honeysuckle that escaped the frost

03 Nov 2014 45 60 962
Two nights ago we had the killer frost... down to 27°F. Everything frost burned and done for.... except........... This is the very last of Summer. EXPLORED !

Her Autumn Dress 7-11-2014 This Beautiful Tree

07 Nov 2014 35 44 977
This is the 4th and last of the four seasonal photos of her This Cottonwood is around 80-100 years old and is huge ..... probably 90 -100 feet tall..... and is growing about 2 miles away and I love her. She has an amazingly charmed life because most trees in this State are ice damaged... and she is barely touched. I have wanted to take a "Four Seasons" of her.. This is her Autumn Dress. Her Winter one is in the photo Note (top Right) Her Spring one is in the photo Note (2nd down top Right) Her Summer one is in the photo Note (3rd down top Right) EXPLORED !

Moonflower (Datura inoxia) ripe seed pod

10 Nov 2014 56 66 1775
In the setting Sun of a late Autumn afternoon EXPLORED !

The first Crocus

28 Jan 2015 24 19 764
Its unseasonably warm for January.. and these 'Snow Crocus" are early bloomers as it is.

The second Yellow Crocus blooms !

29 Jan 2015 61 76 1134
Its unseasonably warm for January and these 'Snow Crocus" are early bloomers as it is. EXPLORED !

One of my Yellow Birthday Roses

11 Feb 2015 62 74 1274
A dozen beautiful yellow roses from my husband. My favourites ... and with Snowdrops... my Heart flowers EXPLORED !

Snowdrop with raindrops ~ My Beloved Snowdrops

10 Mar 2015 67 80 1205
Snowdrops have a very personal special meaning for me. I was an 8 mth babe.. and though healthy.. a month early and born at home... in the worst February winter London had known for many years. Snowdrops bloom through the ice.. and my Dad said I was a fighter.. and called me his Snowdrop. It stuck.... he always made sure I had Snowdrops on my birthday.. till he died. Jay (the American gent I married in January 2005) carried that on once he knew... even through some adversity. I have planted some here ... hard to get them in the USA.. but I went through Brecks.. and when we moved here to the house I call Snow's Light in June 2011 ... I ordered.. and planted them in that October.... often they dont flower the 1st year. BUT.. they are slowly increasing in the number of flowers each Spring now.. and I planted 60 more My house is called "Snow's Light" ... Snowdrops Lighthouse... I also collect Lighthouses and miss the sea desperately. Its a real physical pain... Although I have traveled all my life and lived abroad... now... at 60 I am feeling homesickness desperately. Maybe as we get older we finally need our roots. I always believed I would move to New Zealand..... but the Dream Catcher mistook an American gent for a New Zealander ! So.... Snowdrops are the flower of my heart... and it goes with the 2nd one.. Mistletoe... which is the Spirit and Heart of the Oak... and the final one of Yellow Roses.. the colour of Happiness Mother Earth protects us all.... there should be no divide of Faith... we all have an investment in the beauty there is Sail on Fair Winds and Calm seas... and Walk in Beauty ........ EXPLORED !

Evening sunlight and Bradford Pear blossom and a F…

16 Mar 2015 52 58 865
The winds was gusting 15-20mph... it was a case of bracing and holding my breath and waiting.. and waiting...... The Spirits in this place appear sometimes ! EXPLORED !

Bartlett Pear blossom ~ Debut photo from the new c…

20 Mar 2015 47 62 1601
The camera arrived today ! This is "First Light" so to speak ! EXPLORED !

Redbud with Honey Bee

29 Mar 2015 53 56 1071
Long ago Apollo called to Aristæus, youngest of the shepherds, Saying, "I will make you keeper of my bees." Golden were the hives, and golden was the honey; golden, too, the music, Where the honey-makers hummed among the trees. Henry Van Dyke in The White Bees For the Poetography Group (Font : Fletch Wide) It is SO good to see Bees this year. There were so few last year EXPLORED !

Indian Paintbrush

23 Apr 2015 53 79 1091
The State flower of Oklahoma. We have had a little rain.. and the wildflowers this year are loving it. Best I have seen them in the nearly nine years I have been here EXPLORED !

Day Lily in early morning sunlight

03 Jun 2015 45 42 824
After the Deluge (22.21 inches of rain in May... more than a years worth here normally) and with 60 mph straight line winds... trees down.. the land ripped away... flooding (the pond I normally MOW is 8 feet under water) THIS beauty flowered in the early morning Sun today. Right now every day is a slog to cut and clear downed trees.. to clean up... to rebuild ripped land. This gentle soul is a Healer... and magical survivor. EXPLORED !

151 items in total