Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco October 2017

Golden Gate Bridge

11 Oct 2017 71 94 1535
When I was 5 years old I saw a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. I said to my Mum .. "I am going to walk that Bridge one day" It was the start of a dream that developed over the next 58 years. The bridgoholic I became(along with Lighthouses and Carousels !) and the want and need to visit San Francisco. It was just that a dream.. to see the Bridge.. to see the Redwoods... to see the Pacific Ocean ... and so much more. This October I was able to realise the dream. A friend and her husband had asked me to stay with them as they live in SF and they asked 5 years ago. Finally this October I was able to go ... and they asked for my Wish List.... and so I wrote it down. They... to whom I can only say a heartfelt "Thankyou" .... made the Wish List into reality. The visit co-insided with the terrible wildfires that caused many deaths and the loss also of 6000 homes and many livelihoods. The air was smokey most days and my heart goes out to all who went through so much

The Golden Gate Bridge ~ with smoke from the wildf…

13 Oct 2017 69 105 1593
The smoke from the fires that day was quite heavy. Again . I wanted a less "common" shot. To that end I was on the wrong side of a fence and close to a very big drop off ! It was the only place I could get the piers to line up. Yes.. I know I know... bad Pamy... but who wouldn't among us when its the one chance you have ?!

The 'Treasure Tower' Pagoda

13 Oct 2017 61 111 1518
The 'Treasure Tower' Pagoda in the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park , San Francisco. This Japanese Garden was a pure delight (Incidentally .. the "blown out sky" was a result if the smoke in the air from the wildfires. It created real problems not just for breathing !)

The Drum Bridge plaque (Also known as a Moon Bridg…

13 Oct 2017 18 16 840
The Drum Bridge is the next photo Easy to read if you click Z It is also known as a Moon Bridge