OregonHiker's photos

Hang Glider

03 Jul 2006 1 220
Top of hang glider with Wallowa Mountains in background.

Crazy Kayaker

23 Jun 2010 17 7 369
Evan Garcia is the kayaker going down Sahalie Falls. This is part of the McKenzie River in Oregon.

Cape Kiwanda

18 Jul 2008 4 2 335
Sand dune at Cape Kiwanda in town of Pacific City, Oregon.

Salt Creek Falls

24 Sep 2011 9 1 232
Salt Creek Falls in Oregon.

South Sister

09 Aug 2009 4 296
South Sister (volcano) with one of the Green Lakes in foreground, in central Oregon.

Crater Lake and Wizard Island

26 Jul 2009 7 2 339
Crater Lake and Wizard Island in Oregon.

Triple Falls

10 May 2008 4 1 299
Triple Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.

Painted Hills

04 Jul 2006 5 1 264
Painted Hills in central Oregon.

Astoria Bridge

07 Aug 2011 5 1 410
Astoria Bridge over the Columbia River. I am standing on the Oregon side, looking north towards Washington state.

Nudibranch and Hermit Crab

03 Sep 2010 274
Nudibranch and Hermit Crab in tidepool at Cape Arago on the southern Oregon coast.

Crescent Village Sunset

15 Aug 2008 5 3 400
Sunset over Crescent Village (shops and apartments in Eugene, Oregon). The extra colorful sunset is not Photoshop Juice. Rather it is from airborne ash from the Kasatochi volcano in Alaska that erupted 2008-Aug-7. This photo was taken one week later.

Salt Creek Falls

24 Sep 2011 5 1 280
Top half of Salt Creek Falls in central Oregon.

Newport Aquarium

19 Jul 2008 2 286
Longhorn cowfish (Lactoria cornuta) at the Newport Aquarium on the central Oregon coast.

Shore Acres Sandstone

02 Sep 2010 7 2 373
My favorite bit of eroded sandstone on the Oregon coast. However, it is no more. I found it gone on a 2016-Aug visit. So apparently a giant wave finally got it. Giant waves are common here during winter storms: vimeo.com/92566561

Green Lakes Trail

09 Aug 2009 3 393
From background to foreground: South Sister volcano. Lava and obsidian flow from South Sister. Fall Creek. Hiking along the trail up to Green Lakes.

Cape Kiwanda

18 Jul 2008 10 4 657
Looking south from atop the giant sand dune on the Cape Kiwanda headland.

Sea Lions

08 Aug 2011 13 5 523
California Sea Lions in Astoria, Oregon.

Bumpass Hell

30 Aug 2010 7 1 433
Sulfurous vapors emmanating from Bumpass Hell in Lassen National Park.

98 items in total

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