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Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:12685 x 3309 pixels
Original Date:2018:05:06 07:51:21
Digitized Date:2018:05:06 05:51:21Z
Created on:2018:05:06 07:51:21
Software:Shotwell 0.28.3
Copyright:Tous droits réservés
Auto presets applied1
Color SpacesRGB
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
Derived From1W1A6482-84.tif
Device Mfg DescDarktable
Device Model DescsRGB
Exif Version0230
Fill OrderNormal
Flashpix Version0100
History Blendop paramsgz12eJxjZGBgkABiRoYCJwaiQYM9BI 8sPgBx8hit
History Blendop version7
History Enabled1
History Modversion3
History Multi priority0
History Operationcolorzones
History Paramsgz02eJxjYoAAVU8hO1XPSXbbc28DaS H7vNtm9ttzo+0ZGBrsKZWPe/ffDqgE pM6e6ed/uyPzf9v9Zu2z0xf5aQeSY2 NRsb/EoGI/x1rZ/vhpJfv3S5TsQ84o 2a/yVrYHycH04sEMAGxWNUU=
History end13
Image Size12685x3309
Last Keyword XMPoiseau, oiseau/limicoles, oiseau/limicoles/barge a queue noire, oiseau/limicoles/bécasseau maubèche
Mask615abe3c7764023f67fd2a3c570f28 3c, gz02eJxjKJhieUAjxp7hheuugslAWm etlcC+aHutlovWIMzIAAQXD1krmcfb r35x1JrPK84+bOd+awuVBFQ1BVN2um xPtF+tpWu1yjLJPuzsgl33TRJR1AAA SXsmuQ==, d967f05ada67f05a03000000000080 3feb67f05ada67f05a0b0000000000 803f1268f05ada67f05a0b00000000 00803f, gz02eJyTzuKwXxC31vYLE7f9pPNzbZ 0ustqvf7vHVqvlojUIMzIwMNwQ4bK/ UPvA1jyC0/7EzOu2VRe57G8kvkRR8+ Qqj/2FbY9sm+5x2/sl3rd1P8trH8zz DEWNxkN++4d1X2yfGvDb80V+s82eKG C/bcknFDVl3wXAdiT7CtiXTbhl27VQ 0F568RUUNfPuCoPteiYrbL9c9LFtxF wR+9/hj1DUnCsVtT+ScNVW6oaI/eLF 92xbhMXsn8meQVFzr1/cfo7qatuGXW L2XjLrbG1TJezf661AUcNaJmW/ecZh 2wgZKfsdzqdsN5+Xsl+HFj7vVkraVy g3275aLWN/8Xqb7aflYvb29+pQ1AAA YCaMsQ==, 3168f05a3268f05a03000000000080 3f, 3168f05a5f68f05a03000000000080 3f, 7938f63ea7bdcb3e00000000bd1d10 3d00000000
Mask id1525704665, 1525704683, 1525704666, 1525704722, 1525704754, 1525704799, 1525704753
Mask namecercle #1, chemin #3, grp correction des taches, chemin #4, grp filtre passe-bas, grp filtre passe-bas 1, dégradé #5
Mask nb1, 3, 3, 10, 1, 1, 1
Mask src885d203c2844023f, daa58c3c15395e3f, 0000000000000000, 7049063f4913e23c, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000
Mask type9, 10, 12, 10, 4, 4, 16
Mask version4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Planar ConfigurationChunky
Rating Percent1
Raw params0
Resolution Unitinches
RightsTous droits réservés
Sample FormatUnsigned; Unsigned; Unsigned
Samples Per Pixel3
Subjectbarge a queue noire, bécasseau maubèche, le Teich, limicoles, oiseau, pano
Tags Listoiseau, oiseau/limicoles, oiseau/limicoles/barge a queue noire, oiseau/limicoles/bécasseau maubèche
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 4.4.0-Exiv2
X Position4.219999792
Xmp version2
Y Position44.91999839