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Some of EXIF data are only available in English.
Camera: | Canon EOS 50D |
Exposure: | 0.0025 sec. (1/400) |
Aperture: | f/5.6 |
Focal Length: | 420.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 665.5 mm) |
Flash: | Off, Did not fire |
Exposure mode: | Aperture-priority AE |
Resolution: | 300 x 300 dpi |
Dimension: | 4525 x 3007 pixels |
Original Date: | 2014:08:21 19:32:03.00 |
Digitized Date: | 2014:08:21 17:32:03Z |
Created on: | 2014:08:21 19:32:03.00 |
Software: | Shotwell 0.18.0 |
Copyright: | Tous droits réservés |
AF Area Mode | Single-point AF |
AF Image Height | 3168 |
AF Image Width | 4752 |
AF Micro Adj Mode | Adjust by lens |
AF Micro Adj Value | -20 |
AF Points In Focus | 4 |
AF Points Selected | 4 |
Artist | oliveM |
Aspect Ratio | 3:2 |
Auto Lighting Optimizer | Standard |
Auto presets applied | 1 |
Blendop version | 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 |
Blue Balance | 1.544922 |
Camera Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Camera Temperature | 24 C |
Camera Type | EOS High-end |
Canon Exposure Mode | Aperture-priority AE |
Canon Firmware Version | Firmware Version 1.0.8 |
Canon Flash Mode | Off |
Canon Image Size | Unknown (-1) |
Canon Model ID | EOS 50D |
Chromatic Aberration Corr | Off |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.019 mm |
Color Data Version | 6 (50D/5DmkII) |
Color Space | sRGB |
Color Temp As Shot | 4768 |
Color Temp Auto | 4768 |
Color Temp Cloudy | 6000 |
Color Temp Daylight | 5200 |
Color Temp Flash | 6230 |
Color Temp Fluorescent | 3793 |
Color Temp Kelvin | 5212 |
Color Temp Measured | 3823 |
Color Temp Shade | 7000 |
Color Temp Tungsten | 3200 |
Color Tone | Normal |
Color Tone Faithful | 0 |
Color Tone Landscape | 0 |
Color Tone Neutral | 0 |
Color Tone Portrait | 0 |
Color Tone Standard | 0 |
Color Tone User Def 1 | 0 |
Color Tone User Def 2 | 0 |
Color Tone User Def 3 | 0 |
Components Configuration | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
Compression | Uncompressed |
Continuous Drive | Continuous, High |
Contrast | Normal |
Contrast Faithful | 0 |
Contrast Landscape | 0 |
Contrast Monochrome | 0 |
Contrast Neutral | 0 |
Contrast Portrait | 0 |
Contrast Standard | 0 |
Contrast User Def 1 | 2 |
Contrast User Def 2 | 2 |
Contrast User Def 3 | 0 |
Creator | oliveM |
Crop Bottom Margin | 0 |
Crop Left Margin | 0 |
Crop Right Margin | 0 |
Crop Top Margin | 0 |
Cropped Image Height | 3168 |
Cropped Image Left | 0 |
Cropped Image Top | 0 |
Cropped Image Width | 4752 |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Derived From | IMG_6403.CR2 |
Device Mfg Desc | Darktable |
Device Model Desc | sRGB |
Digital Zoom | None |
Drive Mode | Continuous Shooting |
Easy Mode | Manual |
Exif Version | 0221 |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
Field Of View | 3.1 deg |
File Number | 100-6403 |
Fill Order | Normal |
Filter Effect Monochrome | None |
Filter Effect User Def 1 | None |
Filter Effect User Def 2 | None |
Filter Effect User Def 3 | None |
Firmware Version | 1.0.8 |
Flash Activity | 0 |
Flash Bits | (none) |
Flash Metering Mode | Off |
Flashpix Version | 0100 |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit | inches |
Focal Plane X Resolution | 5315.436242 |
Focal Plane Y Resolution | 5306.532663 |
Focal Units | 1/mm |
Focus Distance Lower | 18.72 m |
Focus Distance Upper | 23.36 m |
Focus Mode | One-shot AF |
Focus Range | Not Known |
High ISO Noise Reduction | Strong |
Highlight Tone Priority | Off |
History enabled | 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 |
History modversion | 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3 |
History operation | flip, basecurve, bilat, sharpen, colorout, demosaic, clipping, exposure, bilat, relight, atrous, levels, colorcorrection, colorcontrast, colorzones, colorcorrection, colisa, colorzones, colorcorrection, colorzones, colorcorrection, colorzones |
History params | ffffffff, gz09eJxjYIAAM6vnNnqyn22E9n235b 6aa3cy6rVdRaK9/Y970fYf95bbMzA0 QPEoGEqADYnNhMQGAO0WEJo=, 00004842000048429899993e, 6666663f6666e63f0000003f, gz11eJwrDnJ3YqAxKAbZkZaZk0pri+ CW0QcAAJKoBYs=, 000000000000000000000000010000 0000000000, 0000000050fa423d00000000000080 3f5bd0733f0000000000000000cdcc 4c3ecdcc4c3ecdcc4c3fcdcc4c3ecd cc4c3fcdcc4c3fcdcc4c3ecdcc4c3f 000000000000000000000000010000 000000000001000000, 000000003060e53b000000000000c8 42000080bf00000000, 0000a04100004842cdcc4c3e, c0f5a83e0ad7233d00008040, gz05eJxjZ4CAs2d87M6eOWM3a6akPZ Btz8DQYE8Hcfv0NDb7M2d47I2Nhe1B cgwMCmBxEjFJAAC7lzbW, 0000000000000000000048420000c8 4200000000cd16e63e00007c3f, ead6fcbe478f28beb55cb84034b59c 410000803f, 9899993f000000009a99993f000000 0000000000, gz02eJxjYoAAVU8hO1XPSXbbc28DaS H7vNtm9ttzo+0ZGBrsKZWPe/ffDqgE pM6e6ed/O4sVv+2ae5/YdUr9tAPJ/Q 8WsO/cxW//4hW//QU5AfsgJiF7V2Nx +6tuQvYgOZhePJgBAMK/NpA=, ead6fcbe478f28beb55cb84034b59c 410000803f, 000000000000000000000000, gz02eJxjYoAAVU8hO1XPSXbbc28DaS H7vNtm9ttzo+0ZGBrsKZWPe/ffDqgE pM6e6ed/O4sVv+2ae5/YdUr9tAPJvR OVtze6IG8v7qNo/1BPyX6Sg6b9F0Nn +/OSSvYgOZhePJgBAJVmNgA=, ead6fcbe478f28beb55cb84034b59c 410000803f, gz02eJxjYoAAVU8hO1XPSXbbc28DaS H7vNtm9ttzo+0ZGBrsKZWPe/ffDqgE pM6e6ed/O4sVv+2ae5/YdUr9tAPJvR OVtze6IG8v7qNo/1BPyb5VUtP+4aQ/ dqvElexBcjC9eDADALObNqs=, ead6fcbe478f28beb55cb84034b59c 410000803f, gz02eJxjYoAAVU8hO1XPSXbbc28DaS H7vNtm9ttzo+0ZGBrsKZWPe/ffDqgE pM6e6ed/O4sVv+2ae5/YdUr9tAPJSf PJ2xtdkLcX91G0X/tW0X7NdyF701+z 7Nbzc9mD5GB68WAGAIGcNa4= |
Hyperfocal Distance | 1661.22 m |
ISO | 320 |
Image Size | 4525x3007 |
Interoperability Index | R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB) |
Interoperability Version | 0100 |
Lens | 168.0 - 420.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 266.2 - 665.5 mm) |
Lens ID | Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L |
Lens Model | 168-420mm |
Lens Type | Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L |
Light Value | 11.9 |
Macro Mode | Normal |
Manual Flash Output | n/a |
Mask | 16a1f85327a1f85303000000000080 3f, gz02eJxd0H8s1HEcBvCTqdAfVpaLXA tT7jjHcaN838+pprnUGputO6Nolh1L 2U6iUqZmVlNXtznNtbPRSsOW3+6KiM lSJ8dMy6ZrkYQ2Loamv/r44/nvtT3P nkNLBahP+EKHowqxLX2JeJo8KKN76Y YoKWojDjwej5tKR/5AO3VNZMEuM1Hb fArWzrUxRiBMQOcnK53XnoFsywcaeR 2HUzWfGVN+SQ5z+1ey2GKgNtoodTUS bsOTjLFkB6Ih8yNNy0Mxbhqijif+uO M1yBi3+97/uoRefpCeHaWlrR44HTvM mIgwJ2w/2EcxRTugDrVQYv8KVXubGX M9a5KydXqyl/0ifnwlOSpGqG9Mx5gy bSft6Wog2fgAfe+opR+KJjrR28QYY6 uByhtbyCPjGYU5N5PY5RGtb/rHorlJ Gx9a5+/ShchWeryUQfdS2D1edQG0sT lNf5wSd/fT0BtXaot8y5iZoUquWlZP E+97uKejNTTXcJGretjCGMc/8dyiap kk3QrOPXmKrEEqbqbWCf+b9MvN3LK7 K4wzdZzB7Aih3cwlqncyhm/QcfvDAl ARk8mV3vLBpGcz12YLZow2kKNikmLN JKB+QQgOVKjoSHI4Y4p/F1LpQjgGS1 LIelsGP58HJN9kVl70UE93MFrK6smu l4DejZF2VswYz6p1Uv6UIJM/TUeDQ2 DTuSDnuYQxzrm+SIgUY/UqH74mMTxy xChqDGLMWGs0NNYgJJVEYCBWDOW0Av vSWMPTK3GyWISXHfEQOAciLjcVBQ4i xhinsqF9JYRUpYa8WoRdVzT4NhrAGM NcPuDtD9VsHqSLwZhcuAbFsb2M+QtG xkQy, 76a1f8537ba1f85303000000000080 3f, efd1053f9c5ef83ee8cf073f5ec6f9 3ef6d3033fdbf6f63eb9c38d3cb9c3 8d3c0000803f21bcbe3e0100000005 b0ff3e5527f43efcd5013f188ff53e 13b4fb3e93bff23eb9c38d3cb9c38d 3c0000803f21bcbe3e01000000 |
Mask id | 1408803111, 1408803094, 1408803195, 1408803190 |
Mask name | grp contraste local , chemin #1, grp égaliseur, pinceau #3 |
Mask nb | 1, 25, 1, 2 |
Mask src | 0000000000000000, f90a813f2191e93e, 0000000000000000, 00000000010b0400 |
Mask type | 4, 2, 4, 64 |
Mask version | 2, 2, 2, 2 |
Max Aperture | 4 |
Max Focal Length | 420 mm |
Measured RGGB | 617 1024 1024 667 |
Metering Mode | Evaluative |
Min Aperture | 32 |
Min Focal Length | 168 mm |
Multi name | , , , |
Multi priority | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Num AF Points | 9 |
Optical Zoom Code | n/a |
Original Decision Data Offset | 0 |
Original Image Height | 3168 |
Original Image Width | 4752 |
Peripheral Lighting | Off |
Peripheral Lighting Setting | Off |
Peripheral Lighting Value | 64 |
Planar Configuration | Chunky |
Quality | RAW |
Rating | 3 |
Rating Percent | 60 |
Raw Measured RGGB | 131529 222764 221950 143532 |
Raw params | 0 |
Record Mode | CR2 |
Red Balance | 2.043945 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Rights | Tous droits réservés |
SRAW Quality | n/a |
Sample Format | Unsigned; Unsigned; Unsigned |
Samples Per Pixel | 3 |
Saturation | Normal |
Saturation Faithful | 0 |
Saturation Landscape | 0 |
Saturation Neutral | 0 |
Saturation Portrait | 0 |
Saturation Standard | 0 |
Saturation User Def 1 | 2 |
Saturation User Def 2 | 2 |
Saturation User Def 3 | 0 |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 1.6 |
Scene Capture Type | Standard |
Self Timer | Off |
Sharpness Faithful | 0 |
Sharpness Landscape | 4 |
Sharpness Monochrome | 3 |
Sharpness Neutral | 0 |
Sharpness Portrait | 2 |
Sharpness Standard | 3 |
Sharpness User Def 1 | 5 |
Sharpness User Def 2 | 6 |
Sharpness User Def 3 | 6 |
Shooting Mode | Aperture-priority AE |
Sub Sec Time | 00 |
Sub Sec Time Digitized | 00 |
Sub Sec Time Original | 00 |
Subject | ragondin |
Thumbnail Image Valid Area | 0 159 7 112 |
Toning Effect Monochrome | None |
Toning Effect User Def 1 | None |
Toning Effect User Def 2 | None |
Toning Effect User Def 3 | None |
User Def 1 Picture Style | Standard |
User Def 2 Picture Style | Standard |
User Def 3 Picture Style | Standard |
VRD Offset | 0 |
Valid AF Points | 9 |
WB RGGB Levels | 2093 1024 1024 1582 |
WB RGGB Levels As Shot | 2093 1024 1024 1582 |
WB RGGB Levels Auto | 2093 1024 1024 1582 |
WB RGGB Levels Cloudy | 2245 1024 1024 1324 |
WB RGGB Levels Daylight | 2097 1024 1024 1442 |
WB RGGB Levels Flash | 2280 1024 1024 1307 |
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent | 1879 1025 1025 1921 |
WB RGGB Levels Kelvin | 2097 1024 1024 1442 |
WB RGGB Levels Measured | 1817 1024 1022 1833 |
WB RGGB Levels Shade | 2394 1024 1024 1234 |
WB RGGB Levels Tungsten | 1631 1091 1091 2156 |
XMP Toolkit | XMP Core 4.4.0-Exiv2 |
Xmp version | 1 |
Zoom Source Width | 0 |
Zoom Target Width | 0 |
GPS Information |
GPS Version ID | |
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