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Some of EXIF data are only available in English.
Camera: | Canon EOS 50D |
Exposure: | 0.002 sec. (1/500) |
Aperture: | f/8.0 |
Focal Length: | 420.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 665.5 mm) |
Flash: | Off, Did not fire |
Exposure mode: | Aperture-priority AE |
Resolution: | 300 x 300 dpi |
Dimension: | 4274 x 2840 pixels |
Original Date: | 2014:08:21 16:25:08.67 |
Digitized Date: | 2014:08:21 14:25:08Z |
Created on: | 2014:08:21 16:25:08.67 |
Software: | Shotwell 0.18.0 |
Copyright: | Tous droits réservés |
AF Area Mode | Single-point AF |
AF Image Height | 3168 |
AF Image Width | 4752 |
AF Micro Adj Mode | Adjust by lens |
AF Micro Adj Value | -20 |
AF Points In Focus | 4 |
AF Points Selected | 4 |
Artist | oliveM |
Aspect Ratio | 3:2 |
Auto Lighting Optimizer | Standard |
Auto presets applied | 1 |
Blendop version | 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 |
Blue Balance | 1.338867 |
Camera Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Camera Temperature | 26 C |
Camera Type | EOS High-end |
Canon Exposure Mode | Aperture-priority AE |
Canon Firmware Version | Firmware Version 1.0.8 |
Canon Flash Mode | Off |
Canon Image Size | Unknown (-1) |
Canon Model ID | EOS 50D |
Chromatic Aberration Corr | Off |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.019 mm |
Color Data Version | 6 (50D/5DmkII) |
Color Space | sRGB |
Color Temp As Shot | 5561 |
Color Temp Auto | 5561 |
Color Temp Cloudy | 6000 |
Color Temp Daylight | 5200 |
Color Temp Flash | 6230 |
Color Temp Fluorescent | 3793 |
Color Temp Kelvin | 5212 |
Color Temp Measured | 5561 |
Color Temp Shade | 7000 |
Color Temp Tungsten | 3200 |
Color Tone | Normal |
Color Tone Faithful | 0 |
Color Tone Landscape | 0 |
Color Tone Neutral | 0 |
Color Tone Portrait | 0 |
Color Tone Standard | 0 |
Color Tone User Def 1 | 0 |
Color Tone User Def 2 | 0 |
Color Tone User Def 3 | 0 |
Components Configuration | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
Compression | Uncompressed |
Continuous Drive | Continuous, High |
Contrast | Normal |
Contrast Faithful | 0 |
Contrast Landscape | 0 |
Contrast Monochrome | 0 |
Contrast Neutral | 0 |
Contrast Portrait | 0 |
Contrast Standard | 0 |
Contrast User Def 1 | 2 |
Contrast User Def 2 | 2 |
Contrast User Def 3 | 0 |
Creator | oliveM |
Crop Bottom Margin | 0 |
Crop Left Margin | 0 |
Crop Right Margin | 0 |
Crop Top Margin | 0 |
Cropped Image Height | 3168 |
Cropped Image Left | 0 |
Cropped Image Top | 0 |
Cropped Image Width | 4752 |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Derived From | IMG_6169.CR2 |
Device Mfg Desc | Darktable |
Device Model Desc | sRGB |
Digital Zoom | None |
Drive Mode | Continuous Shooting |
Easy Mode | Manual |
Exif Version | 0221 |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
Field Of View | 3.1 deg |
File Number | 100-6169 |
Fill Order | Normal |
Filter Effect Monochrome | None |
Filter Effect User Def 1 | None |
Filter Effect User Def 2 | None |
Filter Effect User Def 3 | None |
Firmware Version | 1.0.8 |
Flash Activity | 0 |
Flash Bits | (none) |
Flash Metering Mode | Off |
Flashpix Version | 0100 |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit | inches |
Focal Plane X Resolution | 5315.436242 |
Focal Plane Y Resolution | 5306.532663 |
Focal Units | 1/mm |
Focus Distance Lower | 7.47 m |
Focus Distance Upper | 8.47 m |
Focus Mode | One-shot AF |
Focus Range | Not Known |
High ISO Noise Reduction | Strong |
Highlight Tone Priority | Off |
History enabled | 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 |
History modversion | 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3 |
History operation | flip, basecurve, bilat, sharpen, colorout, shadhi, clipping, exposure, bilat, relight, denoiseprofile, demosaic, sharpen, demosaic |
History params | ffffffff, gz09eJxjYIAAM6vnNnqyn22E9n235b 6aa3cy6rVdRaK9/Y970fYf95bbMzA0 QPEoGEqADYnNhMQGAO0WEJo=, 00004842000048429899993e, 6666663f6666e63f0000003f, gz11eJwrDnJ3YqAxKAbZkZaZk0pri+ CW0QcAAJKoBYs=, 000000000000c84200004842000000 000000000000000000000048420000 c84200004842000000000ad7233c, 00000000465bcc3d54fccd3ddecb7f 3fffff7f3f0000000000000000cdcc 4c3ecdcc4c3ecdcc4c3fcdcc4c3ecd cc4c3fcdcc4c3fcdcc4c3ecdcc4c3f 000000000000000000000000010000 000000000001000000, 0000000020d7a33b000000000000c8 42000080bf00000000, 0000a04100004842cdcc4c3e, c0f5a83e8fc2753d00008040, 0000803f0000803f000080bf2c1dac 35f85cd4365ff82135b66547356b4f ad3200000000, 000000000000000005000000010000 0000000000, 6666663f6166e63f3433333f, 000000000000000000000000010000 0000000000 |
Hyperfocal Distance | 1162.85 m |
ISO | 160 |
Image Size | 4274x2840 |
Interoperability Index | R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB) |
Interoperability Version | 0100 |
Last Keyword XMP | oiseau |
Lens | 168.0 - 420.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 266.2 - 665.5 mm) |
Lens ID | Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L |
Lens Model | 168-420mm |
Lens Type | Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L |
Light Value | 14.3 |
Macro Mode | Normal |
Manual Flash Output | n/a |
Mask | gz02eJxl02tI01EYBvDd5zb/c5uXJC kjowuElaFJxvNSQWlI6SgxCaMQXNFF ktKSDLpahpJZmXSlsgyyaRqmYGmFs4 2Vs5zMyprmbE5npmZll61Pnfpwvhx+ nNvzHL8qMaVXPEOhWkqzvxtQqBVR2S YT5s1ujPEOPo/HO76OT8NJ7Zi2U0ii dRb0Zv1Ed7KNMQELhiGqs6P2yBcY9V 3IeO0CHn9gTORdO1YV9KFT2AdFZy+K Ut4gf6mTMdGRFuQOuFA6uQPbsvthXW NC4eZBxgytfgh9/CdcD30Kc+AQluQ+ wOlDw4wRJN5FW9QIMqtqwNs9gtPuWy gb/8yYRMl5XLG6cbS2FO68AUxdew7a mew6zWE3kCPl09uNV2BYPwG9oxwau5 D+Nk8v1iBFIaOeSZXYN0dKN8PqEDMg Z4zfykdo1PpSqKgBKpGceCeakHlVyR jdvMfI7Q6iudQIe2ogee8XogtmzJ4+ I7bvCKS6EgOUsUEUEf0c5uIAxpg5K5 pa1JRW3oYz+WqK2mXDkFTDGNeyd3/2 Gjz0BulPgqif341iwSTGGI85sOqwhj Iu92CFzZ9mZDiREK5mjLjmEy51KSn5 /SBGKlV0L28EsRzHGOv+ccSdlZI7ew zJ92X08OA3xOwRMybH8gOxoQLqqf2O qnoRqVy/0CD+xWRRkS8gb15RW/n00p PtrDtC8naEeWdPn1OETgyWiogW92N+ i4SyTH2MyQ6SkbeHFTIfampzYHmYnF 7GfmSM5aeCCjy9myiW0+1qB8p1HO1S jTLmwCk1tSb4kDRDRbpqMY1Xaejf3K 83a+hRp4Q0J/3pa4+MFgk1lGdh+zM0 5kujES7IX3B01tPj9im+lGRn/460kq NGz1mFRRxlTndC4bGqI/+b1pS30Jdx pEh7j9R6jkoSOxmjdHO05cIrGA8oab 68A9pUjq6FtzHmUrycZhieo1qioPgN rcgrktHEQjNjvHN7w0wYS5JT8A8TQs w+ZIszMuY3QcuUKA==, b543f653c843f65303000000000080 3f |
Mask id | 1408648117, 1408648136 |
Mask name | chemin #1, grp contraste local |
Mask nb | 31, 1 |
Mask src | c7d00a3fd8ebd43e, 00000000782e4774 |
Mask type | 2, 4 |
Mask version | 2, 2 |
Max Aperture | 4 |
Max Focal Length | 420 mm |
Measured RGGB | 497 1024 1024 821 |
Metering Mode | Evaluative |
Min Aperture | 32 |
Min Focal Length | 168 mm |
Multi name | , , , , , , |
Multi priority | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
Num AF Points | 9 |
Optical Zoom Code | n/a |
Original Decision Data Offset | 0 |
Original Image Height | 3168 |
Original Image Width | 4752 |
Peripheral Lighting | Off |
Peripheral Lighting Setting | Off |
Peripheral Lighting Value | 67 |
Planar Configuration | Chunky |
Quality | RAW |
Rating | 3 |
Rating Percent | 50 |
Raw Measured RGGB | 107604 226449 226557 181869 |
Raw params | 0 |
Record Mode | CR2 |
Red Balance | 2.081055 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Rights | Tous droits réservés |
SRAW Quality | n/a |
Sample Format | Unsigned; Unsigned; Unsigned |
Samples Per Pixel | 3 |
Saturation | Normal |
Saturation Faithful | 0 |
Saturation Landscape | 0 |
Saturation Neutral | 0 |
Saturation Portrait | 0 |
Saturation Standard | 0 |
Saturation User Def 1 | 2 |
Saturation User Def 2 | 2 |
Saturation User Def 3 | 0 |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 1.6 |
Scene Capture Type | Standard |
Self Timer | Off |
Sharpness Faithful | 0 |
Sharpness Landscape | 4 |
Sharpness Monochrome | 3 |
Sharpness Neutral | 0 |
Sharpness Portrait | 2 |
Sharpness Standard | 3 |
Sharpness User Def 1 | 5 |
Sharpness User Def 2 | 6 |
Sharpness User Def 3 | 6 |
Shooting Mode | Aperture-priority AE |
Sub Sec Time | 67 |
Sub Sec Time Digitized | 67 |
Sub Sec Time Original | 67 |
Subject | becasseau maubèche, oiseau |
Tags List | oiseau |
Thumbnail Image Valid Area | 0 159 7 112 |
Toning Effect Monochrome | None |
Toning Effect User Def 1 | None |
Toning Effect User Def 2 | None |
Toning Effect User Def 3 | None |
User Def 1 Picture Style | Standard |
User Def 2 Picture Style | Standard |
User Def 3 Picture Style | Standard |
VRD Offset | 0 |
Valid AF Points | 9 |
WB RGGB Levels | 2131 1024 1024 1371 |
WB RGGB Levels As Shot | 2131 1024 1024 1371 |
WB RGGB Levels Auto | 2131 1024 1024 1371 |
WB RGGB Levels Cloudy | 2245 1024 1024 1324 |
WB RGGB Levels Daylight | 2097 1024 1024 1442 |
WB RGGB Levels Flash | 2280 1024 1024 1307 |
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent | 1879 1025 1025 1921 |
WB RGGB Levels Kelvin | 2097 1024 1024 1442 |
WB RGGB Levels Measured | 2129 1022 1025 1369 |
WB RGGB Levels Shade | 2394 1024 1024 1234 |
WB RGGB Levels Tungsten | 1631 1091 1091 2156 |
XMP Toolkit | XMP Core 4.4.0-Exiv2 |
Xmp version | 1 |
Zoom Source Width | 0 |
Zoom Target Width | 0 |
GPS Information |
GPS Version ID | |
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