
Folder: botanique/botany

24 septembre, journée de l'arbre au Canada

september 24, national day of tree in Canada

étrange animal/strange beast



alone in the corn field

parc des méandres

branches in B/W

10 Feb 2015 9 325
my picture edited by NGC300 who desperately wanted to see it in black and white. He did the job for me and did a good one.

parc maisonneuve

red oak/chêne rouge


11 Dec 2008 4 3 352
for 10-weeks picture project: trees

L'orme de monsieur Charbonneau/Mr. Charbonneau's e…

le printemps? spring?

10 Feb 2013 2 288
C'est officiellement le printemps aujourd'hui. Vraiment? Voici à quoi il ressemble ici. Today, it is officially the first day of spring. Really? This is what it looks like here.

231 items in total