Flower 1


Folder: Pastimes & Proclivities
Some of these are my work, some are the collective work of RiotPrrl (a Northampton-area yarnbombing group), and some are things I've seen in my travels.

Flower 1

21 Oct 2012 290
My latest yarnbomb in Meanwhile Gardens.

Flower 2 & Butterfly

21 Oct 2012 310
My latest yarnbomb in Meanwhile Gardens.

Flower 3

21 Oct 2012 268
My latest yarnbomb in Meanwhile Gardens.

Bird & Flower

21 Oct 2012 313
My latest yarnbomb in Meanwhile Gardens.

Little Red Bird

21 Oct 2012 1 1 293
My latest yarnbomb in Meanwhile Gardens.

Meanwhile Gardens Yarnbomb

21 Oct 2012 308
On my last day in London, I went back to Meanwhile Gardens for a bit more yarnbombing. I attached these to a fence in the wildlife garden, a place I know Helen enjoyed visiting. I think she would have liked my additions.

Yarnbomb 2 Revisited

16 Oct 2012 251
I stopped by Meanwhile Gardens to see the yarnbombs I had left there in 2011. I got to meet two members of staff, who told me how much they love the yarnbombs, which made me very happy. And I told them to be on the lookout for some new yarnbombs in their garden. trailerfulloftunes.blogspot.com/2012/10/tuesday-garden-da...

Yarnbomb 1 Revisited

16 Oct 2012 250
I stopped by Meanwhile Gardens to see the yarnbombs I had left there in 2011. I got to meet two members of staff, who told me how much they love the yarnbombs, which made me very happy. And I told them to be on the lookout for some new yarnbombs in their garden. trailerfulloftunes.blogspot.com/2012/10/tuesday-garden-da...

Sclater Street Yarnbomb

13 Oct 2012 276
East End street art ramble.

Little Red Bird

22 Jun 2012 233
I thought the blue bird looked a bit lonely, so I knit a red bird to keep it company. See where this picture was taken. [?]

New Woolly Friends

22 Jun 2012 266
Additions to Riot Prrl's bikepath beautification project. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Sojourner Truth: FREE

16 Jun 2012 262
Yarn bombs on the Sojourner Truth statue, Pine Street, Florence, MA. The other wristband says "BE." See where this picture was taken. [?]


16 Jun 2012 282
Yarnbombs on the Sojourner Truth statue, Pine Street, Florence, MA. Her wristbands say "BE" and "FREE." See where this picture was taken. [?]

Bikepath Beautification

09 Jun 2012 265
Riot Prrl's project for International Yarn Bombing Day 2012. We beautified a small section of the bike path by King Street, near the former Northampton Honda. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Flowers & Bikers 2

09 Jun 2012 332
Riot Prrl's project for International Yarn Bombing Day 2012. Some bikers told us to get our of their way, but most appreciated what we were doing to beautify a dreary section of the bike path. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Bluebird 1

09 Jun 2012 2 340
Riot Prrl's project for International Yarn Bombing Day 2012. My first wee knitted creature. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Flowers & Bikers 1

09 Jun 2012 308
Riot Prrl's project for International Yarn Bombing Day 2012. We beautified a small section of the bike path by King Street, near the former Northampton Honda. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Yarnbomb Flowers 4

09 Jun 2012 1 265
Riot Prrl's project for International Yarn Bombing Day 2012. We beautified a small section of the bike path by King Street, near the former Northampton Honda. See where this picture was taken. [?]

53 items in total