Subway, Grand Central Station

New York

Folder: USA
2015: Took a 2-day trip to Hudson, NY to visit Olana (Frederic Church's home) and the Omi International Art Center.

2013 trip: Took the train from Springfield to Stamford for a 3-day visit with Molly at her parents' home in Scarsdale. We spent one day up the Hudson, visiting Hyde Park (FDR's home) and Storm King Art Center, and another day in NYC doing lots of walking and seeing arty things.

Al…  (read more)

Subway, Grand Central Station

23 May 2006 198
New York City See where this picture was taken. [?]

Eat Your Greens

24 May 2006 169
Chinatown, NYC

Paper Lanterns

24 May 2006 197
Chinatown, NYC

Dried Shrimp

24 May 2006 189
Chinatown, NYC

Sandals in Storefront

24 May 2006 197
Lower East Side, NYC

Iron Railings

24 May 2006 250
The stoop of the Tenement Museum on Orchard Street. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Broome & Orchard

24 May 2006 293
The heart of the Lower East Side. The Tenement Museum is at 97 Orchard Street. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Dried Fruit

24 May 2006 211
Lower East Side, NYC

Black Fire Escape

24 May 2006 182
Lower East Side, NYC

Blue Fire Escape

24 May 2006 1 165
Lower East Side, NYC

Garden Face

25 May 2006 173
Kykuit, Tarrytown, NY

Spitting Dragon Fountain

25 May 2006 214
Kykuit, Tarrytown, NY

Kykuit Gardens

25 May 2006 190
Kykuit, Tarrytown, NY

Writing on the wall

16 Jul 2007 234
Projects 85 by Dan Perjovschi at MoMA. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Intersection II

16 Jul 2007 231
Looking down on the Richard Serra piece in the sculpture garden, MoMA. See where this picture was taken. [?]


16 Jul 2007 240
Projects 85 by Dan Perjovschi at MoMA. See where this picture was taken. [?]


16 Jul 2007 219
The River by Aristide Maillol, in the sculpture garden, MoMA. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Torqued Ellipse IV

16 Jul 2007 231
I'm not a big fan of Richard Serra, but these massive shapes were impressive. See where this picture was taken. [?]

143 items in total