PXL 20240917 103522510-001-Sherlock

London 2024

Folder: Great Britain
Sights of London from my September-October 2024 visit. Read all about it on my blog: trailerfulloftunes.blogspot.com. For best viewing, click on the first photo and then use the "Next" button or the lightbox view button on the upper right.

IMG 2513-001-Five Boats

12 Sep 2024 1 1 42
Battlebridge Basin, King's Cross

IMG 2519-001-Word on the Water

12 Sep 2024 48
Bookbarge on the Regent's Canal at King's Cross

IMG 2520-001-Greenery on the Canal

12 Sep 2024 1 2 47
Narrow boat on the Regent's Canal at King's Cross

IMG 2526-001-Espérance Bridge

12 Sep 2024 50
Bridge over the Regent's Canal leading from Goods Way to Granary Square, King's Cross

IMG 2522-001-Canalside Steps

12 Sep 2024 2 42
Facing the Regent's Canal with Granary Square in the background

IMG 2517-001-York Way Reflection 1

12 Sep 2024 38
The big glass building is King's Place

IMG 2518-001-York Way Reflection 2

12 Sep 2024 64
The big glass building is King's Place

IMG 2516-001-St Pancras Parish Boundary Line

12 Sep 2024 33
Marker 166 in the wall along York Way next to King's Cross Station

IMG 2527-001-Euston Fire Brigade Station

12 Sep 2024 51
Designed by H. F. T. Cooper and built in 1901-02. It's grade II* listed. Euston Road at Eversholt Street. historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1342074?section=official-list-entry

IMG 2530-001-Little Albany Street NW1

12 Sep 2024 29
Short street off Albany Street near Regent's Park

IMG 2531-001-Henry Mayhew Plaque

12 Sep 2024 34
The founder of Punch magazine and author of London Labour and the London Poor lived here in Albany Street

IMG 2533-001-Painter

12 Sep 2024 8 8 59
At the junction of Albany Street and Chester Gate. I like the repeating blue colour.

IMG 2540-001-Secret Garden Bench

12 Sep 2024 8 9 77
St John's Lodge garden, Regent's Park

IMG 2544-001-Murder of Crow

13 Sep 2024 1 40
On a path in the churchyard of St John-at-Hampstead, Church Row

IMG 2546-001-West Hampstead Fire Station

13 Sep 2024 1 1 48
Designed by a group of architects led by Owen Fleming and Charles Canning Winmill. The job architect, W A Scott, planned the station to fit a constrained site in a suburban location. Built in 1901, the station is Grade II listed. historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1379177?section=official-list-entry

IMG 2549-001-Miles Drinking Fountain

13 Sep 2024 53
Grade II listed drinking fountain on West End Green at the junction of Mill Lane and West End Lane. The inscription reads: Presented by Miss Miles in memory of her mother who lived in West End 76 years 1897 historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1390501?section=official-list-entry

IMG 2550-001-Miles Fountain Pedestal

13 Sep 2024 39
Grade II listed drinking fountain on West End Green at the junction of Mill Lane and West End Lane. The inscription reads: Presented by Miss Miles in memory of her mother who lived in West End 76 years 1897 historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1390501?section=official-list-entry

IMG 2553-001-Edward VII Coronation Tree

13 Sep 2024 1 47
Inscription reads: Borough of Hampstead This Tree was planted by the Mayor, Mr Alderman C. F. Pritchard. 20th December 1902. In commemoration of the coronation of His Majesty King Edward VII.

599 items in total