RGB LED Ring - V1.21 front side

RGB LED Ring Assembly

Folder: Electronics
Mouser will ship me a bunch of ATmega168 chips end of May 2010. Then I'll finally be able add the RGB LED Ring kits (DIY only) to my site and conclude this KIT business experiment. If I'm lucky, I'll get out of this with no loss ;-) Final price: 9.35€ Design files, code and documentation. Want one? Checkout tindie.com

RGB LED Ring - V1.21 front side

07 Apr 2010 112
This time I ordered the RGB LEDs from JELEDHK (ebay) and got a better deal. Unfortunately the semiconducter chips seem to be reversed, so the LED packages have to be rotated by 180° to make it work again. Now the silkscreen is incorrect. I'll have to make adaptions to the code as well.

RGB LED Ring - V1.21

07 Apr 2010 96
This time in yellow. It seems the boards came out more like a yellowish orange, similar to what a real orange looks like. Definitely not citrus yellow.

Cleaned front side

03 May 2010 100
Design files, code and documentation .

Cleaned back side

04 May 2010 97
Design files, code and documentation .

Flashing a bootloader

03 May 2010 91
After this step you can put back the three jumpers to the ISP_E header and, most likely, you'll never have to touch them again. In case you forget them, 3 of the RGB LEDs will stay dark.

Demo - GREEN

04 May 2010 126
The green LEDs are remarkably efficient. Or the emitted wavelength is spot on the maximum spectral response of the human eye. That should be about 530nm, pretty close to 532nm which happens to be the emitted wavelength of a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. Compared to the LEDs I used before, these green ones are almost too bright. I had to up the resistor from about 100Ω to 390Ω to get an acceptable color balance. I'd love to see such a boost in brightness in the remaining two colors as well.

RGB LED Ring - I²C chain

29 Dec 2010 119
Illustration for the "manual" Make sure to view full size (550x665), as flickr's rendering of resized PNG images is terrible.

Low drop voltage regulator

03 May 2010 111
TS 2940 CW-5.0

Tantalum capacitors - 10µF

03 May 2010 89
16V DC absolute maximum. Never apply more than 14V DC (regulated).

Ceramic capacitor - 10µF

Ceramic capacitors - 100nF


03 May 2010 80


03 May 2010 90
For RED.


03 May 2010 96

Female header

03 May 2010 85
Needs to be cut to size.

Female header

03 May 2010 71
Needs to be cut to size.

Female header

03 May 2010 92
Needs to be cut to size.

45 items in total