UT Tower joke

Misc Stuff


UT Tower joke

01 Jan 2001 137
The infamous main building of UT a.k.a. the tower. It's heavily air-conditioned as the rest of the buildings, thermal insulation: "Huh ? what's that ?". They don't seem to have heard about windows with multiple layers of glass, also works for keeping the heat out guys! The sliding doors stayed open quite long, so you'd feel the cold air rushing out several 10 meters away. This was back in 2001/2. Maybe they've put in some upgrades now.

sleeping bag

23 Feb 2009 144
Is such a label strictly legal ? how about this: "... tax back payment of unknown amount..."

campus at night

11 Mar 2009 126
Too bad my current camera doesn't support long time exposure above 4s.

Campus 2009

22 Aug 2009 150
New buildings for future students... Lucky bastards.

Campus 2009

22 Aug 2009 154
New buildings for future students... Lucky bastards.

Mystery tile

25 Nov 2009 101
What do you see ?

Mystery tile

25 Nov 2009 96
What do you see ?

Mystery tile

25 Nov 2009 122
What do you see ?

Mystery tile

25 Nov 2009 108
What do you see ?

Campus 2010

02 Feb 2010 131
Nothing but snow.


14 Feb 2010 130
The data was created with a perl script and turned into a beautiful svg image using gnuplot. The LaTeX formulas were added to it with Inkscape and the "Tex-Text" extension.


14 Feb 2010 96
The data was created with a perl script and turned into a beautiful svg image using gnuplot. The LaTeX formulas were added to it with Inkscape and the "Tex-Text" extension.

Are you talking to me ?

29 Mar 2010 108
Mr. Pigeon hasn't met Mr. Hawk yet. Otherwise he wouldn't choose such an exposed spot.

Sticky stuff...

27 Sep 2012 185
and it smells too! Consistency is much like Nutella (chocolate spread), but I surely wouldn't want to eat that. At least I hope my knee will like it.

Needs to be wrapped

27 Sep 2012 182
This is what you have to deal with because mother nature didn't feel like giving you proper feet. Hearing grinding sounds coming from my knee doesn't make me a happy camper. We're NOT amused! --- Diagnosis (shortened): Bad news: 2nd to 3rd degree damage to the cartilage behind the kneecap + some sort of oedema + other minor stuff. Good news: No 'free particles' floating around and doing more damage.

6-Million-Cent-Man - Rev 0.001

10 Dec 2012 153
Next step of escalation: Get an MRT scan to image the low density 'soft tissue' inside the knee and find out what causes the pain / grinding sounds. I need to get this thing fixed so I can ride my bike again and get rid of the unnecessary energy storage (a.k.a. FAT, life-belt ...) I've gained during the biking-hiatus. My Doc suggested taking 'Diclofenac' pills... but the possible side-effects of these are quite horrendous. The x-rays didn't reveal too much - and I didn't get a chance to make digital copies. The gap between the bones is clearly visible and seemed wide enough. At least there don't seem to be any fragments of non-cartilage-material in there.

High performance Arduino System

23 Feb 2009 139
This is a state of the art Arduino system. Provides smooth robot control and self learning capabilities, even speech!

Drag me to Hell

20 Jun 2009 143
Hell yeah ! Some movies are so bad that they are good in a way, some are even involuntarily funny. Unfortunately this one wasn't nearly bad enough. I feel ripped off. The guy sitting right next to me on my left was also pretty annoying. I don't know what kind of life form he was, but unfortunately he was drinking a can of RedBull. This stuff STINKS. The worst artificial strawberry flavour I've so far had to endure. Still I was lucky, he could have had a can of root beer. Then I'd have had to kill him.

109 items in total