The remaining parts

Hardware @ uni

Folder: Job(s)
Computers I've built or worked with.

The remaining parts

23 Jul 2011 124
I'm planning to play with the hub motor a bit. It is easily removed and as long as the electronics is still functional I'll have a look at the signals going or coming from the 4 pins of the motor.

Time to say goodbye !

23 Jan 2011 115
More than 16500 power-on hours without any trouble. As of lately it started talking to me: "CLICK CLICK CATCHUNK!!!!". I instantly moved my system to a new disk. The smallest one I could get was 500GB. Time is moving fast. ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS - REGULARLY.

Max headroom - NOT

Harddisk - heads and platters

23 Jan 2011 116
Unfortunately all of these very nice Torx screws don't seem to be metric. At least not M3. I like Torx much better than the common socket head ones.

Samsung SpinPoint - 2006/05/26

23 Jan 2011 113
Time to go 'back to sender'.

I don't like what I see

23 Jan 2011 113
That's what I call a lot of corrosion.

The heads

The heads

The heads

Harddisk - heads and platters

Magnet with parking position 'thing'

The heads

Coil + parking position bumper

The heads

Harddisk hub motor

23 Jan 2011 133
It is indeed a BLDC motor. The coils are Y-wound.

Harddisk hub motor

23 Jan 2011 144
It is indeed a BLDC motor. The coils are Y-wound. The left pad goes to the center point N, the remaining are the 3 phases U,V,W. Single-coil-resistance is about 1.6 Ohm. The disk's PCB contains a Hitachi HA13645 driver. Unfortunately I just can't find a datasheet for that. From what I've read so far, driving these with back EMF detection on the un-driven coils could be quite difficult.

Harddisk - stuff thrown away

Good fan

04 Nov 2009 97
Quite silent, compared to usual server room noise. Not a single failure in 3 years 24/7 operation.

67 items in total