Laser-cut acrylic sheet

Laser Cut

29 Feb 2012

131 visits

Laser-cut acrylic sheet

Ponoko really is quick! To be more precise: the German branch called Formulor. It just took 3 days from order till delivery. Nice!

29 Feb 2012

149 visits

Diamonds - sort of

These I have thrown away, but I kept some of the hexagonal ones for now. They look nice. I also kept some of the larger cut-out parts, just in case I should need some plastic parts later.

29 Nov 2011

189 visits

Laser-cut MDF from ponoko

The burnt-wood smell. Ahhh! I have a sudden craving for smoked fish.

25 Sep 2009

149 visits

Ice Tube clock - parts 2/2

The laser cut acrylic enclosure.

29 Nov 2011

139 visits

Laser-cut bits

29 Nov 2011

139 visits

Laser-cut bits

Seems like the laser focus is not set to the middle of the work piece. The Rayleigh-Length of the focus is pretty large (shallow focusing). Otherwise the curvature of the edges would be intolerably big.

29 Nov 2011

149 visits

PCB craddle

29 Nov 2011

158 visits

Power jack added

29 Nov 2011

157 visits

More Light!

I couldn't get M4x12 screws, so I grudgingly bought overpriced M4x10 ones and was lucky. The screws barely captured the thread, but it seems to work and not much weight is to be held.
25 items in total