Breaker Box

Electronics stuff

Folder: Electronics
Who knows

Breaker Box

23 Feb 2009 177
A fine example of the work of 'skilled' Texan electricians. The AC heat exchanger was right above it and condensed water was dripping into the braker box :-(

Breaker Box

0000-00-00 00:00:00 188
The guy how tried to snap-in the new breaker didn't push hard enough. So the right rail got hot due to bad contact. The old breaker wasn't up to the current the AC was pulling. Btw. the AC broke down as well and they managed to wreck the replacement compressor right away :-)

Breaker Box

0000-00-00 00:00:00 166
Complete chaos. I don't remember if there was a GFI in there at all. During the time my AC was down (ONE frigging weak with temperatures in the high 90s) I was sleeping with the apartment door wide open. Thankfully i wasn't robbed, mugged or even offed.


03 Aug 2009 149
Once I find time and leisure, I'll put this one into my sick Jyetech scope and see if it works any better.

ATmega168 chips en masse

Electronics goody bag

600x 270Ω - Resist !

03 Aug 2009 132
600 = 25*24 = 5*5 * 3*8 = 5*5 * 3*2*2*2

TQFP32 vs. MSOP10

27 Nov 2009 101
I'm getting a bit worried. The left one is easy. The right one cries for tons of flux I guess. As my iron's tip is large compared to the tiny pins I'll have to use "flood and suck" for this one. Or maybe drag soldering works too. I've seen many professional videos using tips that have a little cavity forming a little reservoir for solder. This would help a lot, but I can't find a tip for my iron like that. Only the usual pencil/chisel/cone/45° stuff.

10µH 1.83A inductor

27 Nov 2009 120
The main inductor for a boost converter / LED driver based on the LT1618.

33µH inductor

27 Nov 2009 123
This will be used for filtering the output of a boost converter based on the LT1618.

33µH inductor - naked

27 Nov 2009 114
This will be used for filtering the output of a boost converter based on the LT1618.


14 Dec 2009 130
It contains some errors related to driving the P-MOSFETs.

The battery mauling reading light

24 May 2010 90

5W LED vs. 15W CFL

27 Dec 2010 119
250 vs. 800 lumen.

Philips Econic - 5W LED bulb

27 Dec 2010 128
5W, 250 lumen

Philips Econic - 5W LED bulb

27 Dec 2010 110
5W, 250 lumen

Philips Econic - 5W LED bulb

27 Dec 2010 149
Saving energy. Yay!

Philips Econic - 5W LED bulb

230 items in total