Testing the soft-uart receiver on an ATtiny24

Logic Analyzer

Folder: Electronics

07 Jul 2011

280 visits

Testing the soft-uart receiver on an ATtiny24

It seems to work. Now I only have to make the rest of the code live with it in peace. That doesn't work 100% right now. The LED driver interrupt gets upset sometimes. The entry points of the pin-change ISR are marked with double-pulses, sampling the data is marked by single pulses. Spikes 2-9: sampling the data byte, spike 1: start bit, spike 10: stop bit, spike 11: hmmmm ?!?

06 Jul 2011

156 visits

OLS - UART sniffing

Just testing the analyzer a bit. Unconnected probes pick up noise quite a lot.

06 Jul 2011

123 visits

Openbench logic sniffer

I ordered it yesterday morning and got it tonight ;-)

06 Jul 2011

141 visits

OLS - UART sniffing

06 Jul 2011

136 visits

OLS - UART decoding

settings: 9600,8,N,1 de.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-232 "start bit - 01000110 - stop bit" (LSB first!) equals 0x62 The purple-ish markings don't quite fit time-wise. I've put cursors at the byte boundaries.

08 Jul 2011

201 visits

Preparations for brain surgery

Remember: always, no ALWAYS add some means of getting signals out.

08 Jul 2011

218 visits

Preparations for brain surgery

Remember: always, no ALWAYS add some means of getting signals out.

17 Jul 2011

92 visits

Fully interrupt driven soft-uart receiver

By accident I stumbled across my 'system-ticker' interrupt today. As it happens it conveniently ticks at 1MHz! One tick of timer0 is one microsecond. Microsecond timing is exactly what is needed for receiving serial data. The sampling interrupt (TIM0_COMPA_vect) is now invoked at the right time by setting OCR0A = TCNT0 + FULL_BIT_DELAY.

17 Jul 2011

112 visits

Fully interrupt driven soft-uart receiver

By accident I stumbled across my 'system-ticker' interrupt today. As it happens it conveniently ticks at 1MHz! One tick of timer0 is one microsecond. Microsecond timing is exactly what is needed for receiving serial data. The sampling interrupt (TIM0_COMPA_vect) is now invoked at the right time by setting OCR0A = TCNT0 + FULL_BIT_DELAY.
38 items in total