Digi 35 CPU

Folder: Electronics
A power supply. My own for ages. Could be 20+ years.

04 May 2012

154 visits


Looks like a custom job by Motorola.

04 May 2012

156 visits

Power supply investigation

I'm looking at the analog control loop. Over-current regulation doesn't seem to do what I think it should. At least not when initially powering up.

04 May 2012

131 visits

Interface chips

Top: 8-bit latches (74LS273) Bottom: 8-bit DAC (DAC-08CP)

04 May 2012

130 visits

TL084 quad opamp

04 May 2012

145 visits

Shunt resistors

The right one is new. I had to remote the old one due to overheating some time ago. I still need to re-calibrate the current control. Now it is off by a couple of %.

05 May 2012

167 visits

C26 hack

05 May 2012

131 visits

C26 hack

Now I can swap it without any trouble.

05 May 2012

124 visits

Digi 35 CPU - voltage overshoot

Still withing tolerances for 5V AVR chips. Lucky me! But I didn't have 'peak detect' turned on, so maybe there are some nasty spikes hidden in there. Better use a voltage regulator + 5.5V Zener diode in the future.

05 May 2012

157 visits

Digi 35 CPU - voltage overshoot

18 items in total