The brain + LEDs

Planned Obsolescence

Folder: Electronics
Products that refuse to work or just die, but could easily be fixed or revived. IF the manufacturers were on our side.

21 May 2011

100 visits

The brain + LEDs

21 May 2011

109 visits

Rotting chip.

Even the solder mask dissolved when I cleaned this section...

21 May 2011

126 visits

TPC S8211 - 2 N MOSFETs

These 2 MOSFETs in one chip package drive the two coils that make the toothbrush's head wiggle. It could play melodies as well ;-)

21 May 2011

105 visits

Rotting chip - RIP

Even the solder mask dissolved when I cleaned this section...

21 May 2011

106 visits


21 May 2011

78 visits

The brain of a toothbrush

21 May 2011

88 visits

Rotting chip - RIP

21 May 2011

98 visits


21 May 2011

179 visits

Rotting PCB

Although there is an O-ring, some water seems to have made it in there. Damn. This toothbrush was quite costly.
30 items in total