Mr. Purple

I see faces...

Faces everywhere! The human brain seems to be hard-wired to recognize faces wherever one looks. Sometimes it works too well, but I guess getting false positives is better than missing a face hidden in the trees that might want to kill you.

10 May 2011

118 visits

Mr. Purple

07 Oct 2012

227 visits

LED-Square PT4115 - I see a face again

There's a face, yes I can definitely see a face on the board.

25 Mar 2012

119 visits

A new toy

Now I can stamp all my outgoing correspondence with a happy little smiley. Glow in the dark would be even better.

25 Mar 2012

120 visits

Stamping mechanism

I really wonder why they cut the rubber in such a strange way. Keeping it square would make alignment a lot easier. Maybe this is caused by trying to pack as many designs on a given surface of their 'make the stamp' machine.

25 Nov 2009

108 visits

Mystery tile

What do you see ?

25 Nov 2009

122 visits

Mystery tile

What do you see ?

25 Nov 2009

96 visits

Mystery tile

What do you see ?

25 Nov 2009

101 visits

Mystery tile

What do you see ?

14 Feb 2010

129 visits


The data was created with a perl script and turned into a beautiful svg image using gnuplot. The LaTeX formulas were added to it with Inkscape and the "Tex-Text" extension.
10 items in total