

Folder: Electronics
Quadrature encoder + micro controller. Applications: volume control knob for a computer, add a knob to an existing project that speaks serial... Want one? Checkout tindie.com

16 Feb 2013

380 visits


These 0603 footprints I made... they shouldn't have been any smaller!

16 Feb 2013

159 visits

Nice patterns


View on map

16 Feb 2013

704 visits

Tick tack... tick tack...

I will have to think about debouncing a bit, but in general it works quite nicely. In this picture it controls the lights used to illuminate it. The lights understand serial, so the knob only has to send '+' or '-' to adjust brightness. It also works very nicely as a volume knob for amarok, kmix ... only requires linux, KDE4 ;-) The ATtiny85 is hidden on the other side ;-) As usual you can have all design files and code. Search for "Serial-Knob" and take a look inside the "ATtiny_projects" repo for code: [ 1 ],[ 2 ].

15 Feb 2013

200 visits

This will have to do

I don't have the luxury of living next to a mouser or digikey warehouse, so I can't get a 2.00mm header "just like that". There is an electronics shop in town, but it only stocks the more common things - definitely nothing SMD.

15 Feb 2013

213 visits

This will have to do

I don't have the luxury of living next to a mouser or digikey warehouse, so I can't get a 2.00mm header "just like that". There is an electronics shop in town, but it only stocks the more common things - definitely nothing SMD.

15 Feb 2013

226 visits

The encoder fits

almost nicely. BUT, the footprint is for a different type ;-) Good enough for a prototype. What you can't see: there's an ATtiny85 on the bottom side that will do the decoding. The firmware will support "step / direction" output or send status changes via serial. The push-button can be used to switch between various modes. If I can figure out how to program this thing without having a 2.00mm ISP connector, I might have a half-pleasant weekend ahead of me. Lots of code-recycling should speed things up a lot.

22 Jan 2013

206 visits


Is it useful? Maybe. I have a couple of existing projects that would benefit from a rotary knob, but not enough code-space is left to add encoder handling. Serial comms is already working, so this is the simpler way to make it work. A little quiz: {1,-1,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,-1,0,-1,1,0}

22 Jan 2013

220 visits


Is it useful? Maybe. I have a couple of existing projects that would benefit from a rotary knob, but not enough code-space is left to add encoder handling. Serial comms is already working, so this is the simpler way to make it work. A little quiz: {1,-1,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,-1,0,-1,1,0}

21 Mar 2013

1 010 visits

KiCad - panelized by hand

It's doable for small panels, but gets tedious pretty quickly. Creating a footprint for the mouse-bites helped a bit. It would be really nice if KiCad supported "cloned" copies, so changes to the parent automatically propagate to all children. This panel was ordered at hackvana .
25 items in total