Pentax S5z LED ring

Tiny LED ring-light

934 visits  |  Translate into English

Folder: Electronics

04 May 2013

139 visits

LED ring light - back

The red stuff is Sugru.

04 May 2013

142 visits

LED ring light - front

04 May 2013

164 visits

Two mirrors are needed

04 May 2013

188 visits

Sugru 'gasket'

It's cracked.

04 May 2013

198 visits

Sugru 'gasket'

As I used vinyl tape in-between Sugru and the camera body, the fit is not as tight as I desire. I need a better way to anti-stick the camera. I know you can get dissolved wax for fiber-glass moulding, which works very well, but I'm not sure the solvent is plastic friendly.

04 May 2013

168 visits

Multiple reflections

04 May 2013

176 visits

Multiple reflections

04 May 2013

161 visits

Multiple reflectoins

04 May 2013

183 visits

Multiple reflections

21 items in total