Every Morning half past 8. Ventura Freeway (US-101) at Calabasas, May 1981 (060°)

Los Angeles and Vicinity

Folder: USA

Every Morning half past 8. Ventura Freeway (US-101…

07 Jan 2014 1 721
On my way to work

Ocean at Montana, Santa Monica, 1985 (135°)

Home for a couple of years, Agoura Hills, Aug. 197…

Downtown Los Angeles from Griffith Park Observator…

The purple hour, Downtown Los Angeles 1980 (180°)

14 Jul 1980 31 41 1320
The Sunday Challenge May 10th - Low Key Bonaventura Hotel and City National Plaza

Threestacker - Queen Mary I in Long Beach 1980

11 May 2011 11 16 1058
Queen Mary I

Hidden Valley, CA, Spring 1980 (180°)

29 Mar 1980 11 28 1092
...from a distant past ... Ventura Farms, 555 W. Potrero Road. This gate is now deserted and looks awful in street view. The main entrance has been moved about one mile to the east. HFF everyone. Have a nice weekend. Tomorrow - Sept. 26th - is Iper Meeting in Heidelberg, Germany with a crowd of 16. Cross your fingers for fair weather!

Ranch - Hidden Valley, CA. March 1980 (195°)

30 Mar 1980 20 22 949
HFF - Happy Fence Friday, a first in 2016. Have a nice weekend everyone. Pentax ME, SMC 80-200 mm / 1:4,5

Little Boxes on the Hillside ... (270°)

15 Jun 1985 14 39 975
Californian Suburbia - Agoura Hills 1985 - Pentax ME with SMC 80-200, f/4,5 --- ♪♫ Little Boxes - Pete Seeger ♪♫ --- Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky tacky, Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes all the same. There's a green one and a pink one And a blue one and a yellow one, And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same. And the people in the houses All went to the university, Where they were put in boxes And they came out all the same, And there's doctors and lawyers, And business executives, And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same. And they all play on the golf course And drink their martinis dry, And they all have pretty children And the children go to school, And the children go to summer camp And then to the university, Where they are put in boxes And they come out all the same. And the boys go into business And marry and raise a family In boxes made of ticky tacky And they all look just the same. There's a green one and a pink one And a blue one and a yellow one, And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same. Malvina Reynolds On July 26, 1956, the House of Representatives voted 373 to 9 to cite Pete Seeger and seven others (including playwright Arthur Miller) for contempt, as they failed to cooperate with House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in their attempts to investigate alleged subversives and communists. Pete Seeger testified before the HUAC in 1955.

M*A*S*H 4077 - The Set in Malibu Canyon State Park…

14 Jan 2015 10 49 991
Die Fernsehserie TV-Series ♪♫ Suicide is painless ♪♫ The Sunday Challenge, June 7th - Pick your favourite song, or any song for that matter... and get a pic to 'match'. something that 'goes' with it.

Castle for Lease - HBM (090°)

16 Jun 1985 30 30 290
HBM everyone, have a fine week and stay well