Humphrey's Peak, 3.850 m / 12.600 ft  (Arizona Snowbowl) from US 180 (060°)


Folder: USA
All photos are scans from slides or negatives taken between 1978 and 1992

Humphrey's Peak, 3.850 m / 12.600 ft (Arizona Sno…

The Gorge, Grand Canyon, Sept. 1978 - Heli view

I-15 Into Virgin River Canyon, Arizona - May 1980

I-15 Virgin River Canyon, Arizona - May 1980

30 Oct 2014 7 7 870
Breathtaking highway

Nightfall, Monument Valley, 1978

Little Colorado Canyon, 1991 (030°)

Thunderstorm clearing - Grand Canyon 1980 (120°)

Approaching the Abyss - Grand Canyon Heli View 197…

18 May 2011 2 628
It is by far not a match for whitewater rafting down the canyon but for people in a hurry this might be an alternative to get a feel for the splendor of this natural wonder.

This is where the big adventure starts - Lees Ferr…

05 Nov 2014 3 8 708
Starting point of the whitewater rafting tours through the Grand Canyon. We desperately wanted to do this, however, when I tried to book 1980 there was a waiting list of over one year. And since we never knew how long we would stay in the US (I had 3 months notice), there were simply to many unknowns. In the end, we should have done it anyway, because we stayed much longer than expected, but in hindsight you are always smarter :-) Hier gehen die "Whitewater Rafting Tours" durch den Grand Canyon ab. Wir wollten das damals unbedingt machen, aber leider gab es eine Warteliste von über einem Jahr. Da wir nicht wussten, wie lange wir in den USA bleiben würden (ich hatte damals drei Monate Abruf für die Rückkehr nach D), war das einfach zu unsicher. Letzendlich hätten wir es doch machen können, denn wir blieben viel länger als geplant. Aber hinterher ist man immer schlauer :-)

South Rim Vista, Grand Canyon

Mather Point, Grand Canyon, 1991 (HFF)

14 Sep 1991 56 56 1249
HNYFF - Happy New Year Fence Friday, have a nice new year's day and a healthy, happy and prosperous 2016 ... and give peace a chance! Another old upload just to get going here. Hope the upload function will return soon. HFF and enjoy the weekend anyway and stay safe and away from the virus. Originally uploaded Jan 1st, 2016.

Somewhere along Rte. 89A (Oak Creek Canyon)

15 Sep 1991 41 76 1095
TSC - The Sunday Challenge March 20th - Road and Song Title containing "Road" ♪♫ On the Road Again - Willie Nelson ♪♫ Oak Creek Canyon is home of many western movies