Drei Schalen aus Raku Keramik (2xPIP)

Eva's Art

Drei Schalen aus Raku Keramik (2xPIP)

14 Sep 2011 33 47 628
ca. 26 cm Durchmesser, handgeformt Eva Petersen 2011

Art on the Wall

06 Dec 2015 28 72 963
TSC - The Sunday Challenge Dec. 6th. Art on the Wall Art by EvaP

Wired - Verdrahtet

04 Feb 2016 51 80 1063
TSC - The Sunday Challenge Febr. 7h, 2016 - ...something that rolls... by EvaP, stainless steel wire in a wine barrel ring, approx. 80 cm Acquired by Sparkasse Heilbronn

Dancer / Tänzer

17 Apr 2016 44 70 937
TSC - The Sunday Challenge April 17th - Twisted PIP: The whole guy Stainless Steel Wire - 0,5 mm

Stairs - Treppe

21 Feb 2018 29 36 654
Paintings by my late wife Eva

Eva's Art

18 Apr 2018 20 37 472
Left: Acryl behind glas Right. Figure, Raku Ceramics 32cm

Tänzer / Dancer

Retrospektive / Retrospective EvaP (5 x PIP)

26 Jul 2018 34 59 678
HFF friends, enjoy the global warming over the weekend :-/ Today I concluded the setting for the retrospective for my late wife Eva. She would have liked it, I presume.