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Bruxelles, ma belle...
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Camera: FUJIFILM X-Pro2
Exposure:0.01667 sec. (1/60)
Focal Length:33.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 50.0 mm)
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Manual
Max Aperture:1.4
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:5032 x 3870 pixels
Original Date:2023:01:12 18:50:14
Created on:2023:01:12 18:50:14
Modified on:2023:01:18 02:20:10
Software:Adobe Photoshop 24.1 (Windows)
Copyright:Luc Marie MARTIN.
Adobe White Level30722
Already AppliedTrue
Auto Lateral CA1
Auto presets applied1
Blacks 20120
Blue Hue0
Blue Saturation0
Brightness Value-0.44
Camera ProfileAdobe Standard
Camera Profile Digest272224000D5765B749BB38DB525CB8 8C
Change timestamp63809240437274247
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Clarity 2012+100
Color Grade Blending50
Color Grade Global Hue0
Color Grade Global Lum0
Color Grade Global Sat0
Color Grade Highlight Lum0
Color Grade Midtone Hue0
Color Grade Midtone Lum0
Color Grade Midtone Sat0
Color Grade Shadow Lum0
Color ModeGrayscale
Color Noise Reduction0
Color SpaceUncalibrated
Color Temperature5000
Compatible Version251658240
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Contrast 2012+100
Crop Angle1.5
Crop Bottom1
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Crop Left0.155816
Crop Right0.977285
Crop Top0
Custom RenderedNormal
Date Created2023:01:12 18:50:14
Date/Time Created2023:01:12 18:50:14
Derived From Document IDxmp.did:416174a7-5e0f-3440-bb6 a-654c5381b948
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:07e46321-cea8-c149-bab 6-b6c4882e703d
Derived From Original Document IDD3B9A4EBAD5B7A4CA9C45B16F67185 E7
Document Ancestorsxmp.did:6842ae25-5230-734f-ba1 5-834e29456dc4
Exif Version0231
Exposure 2012-1.60
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeManual
Field Of View39.6 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Focal Length In 35mm Format50 mm
Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
Focal Plane X Resolution2553.2146
Focal Plane Y Resolution2553.2146
Fuji Rating Already AppliedTrue
Grain Amount0
Gray Mixer Aqua0
Gray Mixer Blue0
Gray Mixer Green0
Gray Mixer Magenta0
Gray Mixer Orange0
Gray Mixer Purple0
Gray Mixer Red0
Gray Mixer Yellow0
Green Hue0
Green Saturation0
Has CropTrue
Has SettingsTrue
Highlights 2012+100
History Actionderived, saved, saved, converted, derived, saved, saved
History Blendop paramsgz10eJxjYGBgYAFiCQYYOOHEgAZY0Q VwggZ7CB6pfOygYtaVAyCMi08IAAB/ xiOk
History Blendop version11
History Changed/, /, /, /
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History Instance IDxmp.iid:416174a7-5e0f-3440-bb6 a-654c5381b948, xmp.iid:07e46321-cea8-c149-bab 6-b6c4882e703d, xmp.iid:a9d7439e-40f4-cf44-83c f-835bfd27dd55, xmp.iid:71ffd174-3d72-db44-86f 1-87dec58f3255
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History Num31
History Operationtoneequal
History Parametersconverted from image/dng to image/tiff, from image/tiff to image/jpeg, converted from image/tiff to image/jpeg
History Params14ae873f14ae473f6866263fe07a14 3f608fc23e0000803e70e18cbcb4f2 233c65c661bb0000a040f304b53f00 00803f000000000000000000000000 040000000600000001000000
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Camera Raw 15.1.1 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 24.1 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 24.1 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 24.1 (Windows)
History When2023:01:14 00:13:05+01:00, 2023:01:14 00:13:56+01:00, 2023:01:14 00:13:56+01:00, 2023:01:18 02:20:10+01:00
History auto hash80cb14e2f6996e8fbfde8ea150dac8 80
History current hash80cb14e2f6996e8fbfde8ea150dac8 80
History end32
Hyperfocal Distance39.23 m
ICC Profile NameGray Gamma 2.2
Image Size5032x3870
Import timestamp63809236446526116
Iop order version2
Lateral Chromatic Aberration Correction Already AppliedTrue
Legacy IPTC Digest96B69E4DB2CA1F3BE7CD6C91224B85 2C
LensXF33mmF1.4 R LM WR
Lens Info33mm f/1.4
Lens Manual Distortion Amount0
Lens ModelXF33mmF1.4 R LM WR
Lens Profile Enable0
Light SourceUnknown
Light Value3.9
Look Amount1
Look Copyright© 2018 Adobe Systems, Inc.
Look GroupProfiles
Look NameAdobe Monochrome
Look Parameters Camera ProfileAdobe Standard
Look Parameters Clarity 2012+8
Look Parameters Convert To GrayscaleTrue
Look Parameters Look Table73ED6C18DDE909DD7EA2D771F5AC28 2D
Look Parameters Process Version11.0
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 64, 56, 128, 128, 192, 197, 255, 255
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Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 Red0, 0, 255, 255
Look Parameters Version15.1.1
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Look Uuid0CFE8F8AB5F63B2A73CE0B0077D208 17
Luminance Smoothing0
Metadata Date2023:01:18 02:20:10+01:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Original Document IDD3B9A4EBAD5B7A4CA9C45B16F67185 E7
Override Look VignetteFalse
Parametric Darks0
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Parametric Midtone Split50
Parametric Shadow Split25
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Perspective Rotate0.0
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Photometric InterpretationBlackIsZero
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Process Version11.0
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Resolution Unitinches
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Retouch Areas Masks Dabsd 0.901809 0.746940, d 0.904661 0.739268, d 0.908434 0.732551, d 0.913646 0.736554, d 0.912605 0.745198, d 0.909011 0.752133, d 0.903770 0.748216, d 0.904169 0.739453
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Retouch Areas Masks Mask Sync ID3861771ADCAB18478F5ABE90EE8503 06
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Retouch Areas Masks WhatMask/Paint
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Retouch Areas Pm patch1C014F616C56EC1365E9A8770878B2 AD
Retouch Areas Pm search bottom3822
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RightsLuc Marie MARTIN.
Samples Per Pixel4
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sensitivity TypeStandard Output Sensitivity
Shadow Tint0
Shadows 2012+100
Split Toning Balance0
Split Toning Highlight Hue0
Split Toning Highlight Saturation0
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Split Toning Shadow Saturation0
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Thumbnail Offset1058
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Toggle Style Digest9881ECBB4EC962DAD0C7ACBEF44229 8A
Tone Curve Name 2012Linear
Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 255, 255
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Tone Curve PV2012 Green0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Red0, 0, 255, 255
Vignette Amount0
White BalanceAuto
White Level30713
Whites 2012-100
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 9.0-c000 79.171c27f, 2022/08/16-18:02:43
Xmp version5