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Let there be friendships as well as lights. (mais où est le joueur de flute ?)
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Camera: FUJIFILM X-Pro2
Exposure:0.01667 sec. (1/60)
Focal Length:24.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 36.0 mm)
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Manual
Max Aperture:4.0
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:4660 x 5639 pixels
Original Date:2022:12:28 18:06:47
Created on:2022:12:28 18:06:47
Modified on:2022:12:29 00:02:01
Software:darktable 4.2.0
Copyright:Luc Marie MARTIN.
Adobe White Level30728
Already AppliedFalse
Analog Balance1 1 1
As Shot Neutral0.527051 1 0.550091
Auto presets applied1
Baseline Exposure0.15
Baseline Noise1
Baseline Sharpness1.9
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Color Noise Reduction0
Color SpacesRGB
Custom RenderedNormal
DNG Lens Info10-24mm f/4
Date Created2022:12:28 18:06:47
Derived From_DSF6248-RAF_DXO.dng
Device Mfg Descdarktable
Device Model DescsRGB
Exif Version0231
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeManual
Field Of View53.1 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Focal Length In 35mm Format36 mm
Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
Focal Plane X Resolution820
Focal Plane Y Resolution820
History Blendop paramsgz14eJxjYIAACQYYOOHEgAZY0QVwgg Z7CB6pfNoAAE8gGQg=
History Blendop version11
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History Modversion3
History Multi priority0
History Num36
History Operationborders
History Paramsgz03eJxjYEAAj4ez7AtSi4rz8/IScz KLD6/U09ODyeULMVsBKXtDfSMGLACX OFgOmcMIxADOJQtH
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Hyperfocal Distance3.59 m
Image Size4660x5639
Iop order listrawprepare,0,invert,0,temperat ure,0,highlights,0,cacorrect,0 ,hotpixels,0,rawdenoise,0,demo saic,0,denoiseprofile,0,bilate ral,0,rotatepixels,0,scalepixe ls,0,lens,0,cacorrectrgb,0,haz eremoval,0,ashift,0,flip,0,cli pping,0,liquify,0,spots,0,reto uch,0,exposure,0,mask_manager, 0,tonemap,0,toneequal,0,crop,0 ,graduatednd,0,graduatednd,1,g raduatednd,2,graduatednd,3,pro file_gamma,0,equalizer,0,color in,0,channelmixerrgb,0,diffuse ,0,censorize,0,negadoctor,0,bl urs,0,nlmeans,0,colorchecker,0 ,defringe,0,atrous,0,lowpass,0 ,highpass,0,sharpen,0,colortra nsfer,0,colormapping,0,channel mixer,0,basicadj,0,colorbalanc e,0,colorbalancergb,0,rgbcurve ,0,rgblevels,0,basecurve,0,fil mic,0,sigmoid,0,filmicrgb,0,lu t3d,0,colisa,0,tonecurve,0,lev els,0,shadhi,0,zonesystem,0,gl obaltonemap,0,relight,0,bilat, 0,colorcorrection,0,colorcontr ast,0,velvia,0,vibrance,0,colo rzones,0,bloom,0,colorize,0,lo wlight,0,monochrome,0,grain,0, soften,0,splittoning,0,vignett e,0,colorreconstruct,0,colorou t,0,clahe,0,finalscale,0,overe xposed,0,rawoverexposed,0,dith er,0,borders,0,watermark,0,gam ma,0
Iop order version2
LensXF10-24mmF4 R OIS WR
Lens Info10-24mm f/4
Lens ModelXF10-24mmF4 R OIS WR
Light SourceUnknown
Light Value10.9
Linear Response Limit1
Look Amount1.000000
Look NameAdobe Color
Look Parameters Camera ProfileAdobe Standard
Look Parameters Look TableE1095149FDB39D7A057BAB208837E2 E1
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 22, 16, 40, 35, 127, 127, 224, 230, 240, 246, 255, 255
Luminance Smoothing0
Masks history Mask id1672265850
Masks history Mask namegrp vignetage
Masks history Mask nb1
Masks history Mask num0
Masks history Mask points6ac0ac637ac0ac6303000000333373 3f
Masks history Mask src0000000000000000
Masks history Mask type4
Masks history Mask version6
Metadata Date2022:12:28 22:33:28+01:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
New Raw Image Digest3cc392341cb8e5445a6b6a2380ca2b 51
Original Default Crop Sizeundef undef
Original Default Final Size0 0
Process Version11.0
Raw params0
Resolution Unitinches
RightsLuc Marie MARTIN.
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sensitivity TypeStandard Output Sensitivity
Shadow Scale1
Subfile TypeReduced-resolution image
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Unique Camera ModelFujifilm X-Pro2
White BalanceAuto
White Level30713
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 4.4.0-Exiv2
Xmp version5