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Dead Can Dance Lisa Gerrard @Anvers 20 avril 2022
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Camera: FUJIFILM X-Pro2
Exposure:0.01 sec. (1/100)
Focal Length:33.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 50.0 mm)
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Manual
Max Aperture:1.4
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:3746 x 3746 pixels
Compression:2.5 bits/pixels
Original Date:2022:04:20 22:07:41
Created on:2022:04:20 22:07:41
Modified on:2022:04:21 19:14:20
Software:darktable 3.8.0
Auto BracketingOff
Auto presets applied1
Blur WarningNone
Brightness Value-0.54
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Color SpacesRGB
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
Custom RenderedNormal
Derived From_DSF3092.RAF
Development Dynamic Range100
Device Mfg Descdarktable
Device Model DescsRGB
Dynamic RangeStandard
Dynamic Range SettingManual
Exif Version0230
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeManual
Exposure WarningGood
Faces Detected0
Field Of View39.6 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Film ModeF0/Standard (Provia)
Flash Exposure Comp0
Flashpix Version0100
Focal Length In 35mm Format50 mm
Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
Focal Plane X Resolution820
Focal Plane Y Resolution820
Focus ModeAuto
Focus Pixel1095 507
Focus WarningGood
Fuji Flash ModeUnknown (32768)
High ISO Noise ReductionNormal
History Blendop paramsgz10eJxjYGBgYAFiCQYYOOHEgAZY0Q VwggZ7CB6pfOygYtaVAyCMi08IAAB/ xiOk
History Blendop version11
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History Num30
History Operationwatermark
History Paramsgz04eJyTb/3o+P9/tFNDibANw/XF1g xgsMUJRBZn5hbkpOqWpFaU6BWXpTOQ CjSSNX1KkxVy9RR8HYNCPP0UdBVSMh PT8/MSczLyizKr8vMcKhMz8vP10ooU DMwUzAwVzAwUDM0VDCwUdHUVgksSU4 qLkzPyS8uTSovSFRzzSspTiwpS83QU nFJz0jNLc0GqHMuKMnMUjAyMjEh23i igMXj/Ls8ehN++ybH3SSzJVwjNKSlK 1PXJTM8oUTA0IMksAGcQPtE=
History end31
Hyperfocal Distance24.96 m
Image Size3746x3746
Interoperability IndexR03 - DCF option file (Adobe RGB)
Interoperability Version0100
Iop order listrawprepare,0,invert,0,temperat ure,0,highlights,0,cacorrect,0 ,hotpixels,0,rawdenoise,0,demo saic,0,denoiseprofile,0,bilate ral,0,rotatepixels,0,scalepixe ls,0,lens,0,cacorrectrgb,0,haz eremoval,0,ashift,0,flip,0,cli pping,0,liquify,0,spots,0,reto uch,0,exposure,0,mask_manager, 0,tonemap,0,toneequal,0,crop,0 ,graduatednd,0,profile_gamma,0 ,equalizer,0,colorin,0,channel mixerrgb,0,diffuse,0,censorize ,0,negadoctor,0,blurs,0,nlmean s,0,colorchecker,0,defringe,0, atrous,0,lowpass,0,highpass,0, sharpen,0,colortransfer,0,colo rmapping,0,channelmixer,0,basi cadj,0,colorbalance,0,colorbal ancergb,0,rgbcurve,0,rgblevels ,0,basecurve,0,filmic,0,filmic rgb,0,lut3d,0,colisa,0,tonecur ve,0,levels,0,shadhi,0,zonesys tem,0,globaltonemap,0,relight, 0,bilat,0,colorcorrection,0,co lorcontrast,0,velvia,0,vibranc e,0,colorzones,0,bloom,0,color ize,0,lowlight,0,monochrome,0, grain,0,soften,0,splittoning,0 ,vignette,0,colorreconstruct,0 ,colorout,0,clahe,0,finalscale ,0,overexposed,0,rawoverexpose d,0,dither,0,borders,0,waterma rk,0,watermark,1,gamma,0
Iop order version2
Lens Info33mm f/1.4
Lens ModelXF33mmF1.4 R LM WR
Light SourceUnknown
Light Value7.9
Masks history Mask id1650561054
Masks history Mask namegrp courbe rvb
Masks history Mask nb1
Masks history Mask num0
Masks history Mask points169061621e90616203000000000080 3f
Masks history Mask src0000000000000000
Masks history Mask type4
Masks history Mask version6
Max Aperture At Max Focal1.4
Max Aperture At Min Focal1.4
Max Focal Length33
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Min Focal Length33
Noise Reductionn/a
Picture ModeManual
Primary Chromaticities0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
Rating Percent60
Raw params0
Resolution Unitinches
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sensitivity TypeStandard Output Sensitivity
Sequence Number0
Slow SyncOff
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
White BalanceUnknown (0x600)
White Balance Fine TuneRed +0, Blue +0
White Point0.313 0.329
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 4.4.0-Exiv2
Xmp version4
Y Cb Cr Coefficients0.299 0.587 0.114
Y Cb Cr PositioningCo-sited