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Neureuth 1210 m - Nebel im Tal -HFF
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Camera: samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra
Exposure:0.00026 sec. (1/3800)
Focal Length:6.3 mm (35 mm equivalent: 23.0 mm)
Resolution:94 x 94 dpi
Original Date:2025:02:02 14:33:10.474
Modified on:2025:02:07 19:43:56
Software:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.1.1 (Windows)
Already AppliedTrue
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Auto Tone Digest76D25DE480CC9889A0E065E7C404D7 E5
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Blacks 2012-17
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Blue Saturation0
Camera ProfileEmbedded Galaxy RAW
Camera Profile DigestF58463AF19EF598F3B5BE54BD7D47C A3
Circle Of Confusion0.008 mm
Clarity 2012+28
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Color Grade Midtone Lum0
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Date Created2025:02:02 14:33:10.474+01:00
Date/Time Created2025:02:02 14:33:10+01:00
Defringe Green Amount0
Defringe Green Hue Hi60
Defringe Green Hue Lo40
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Defringe Purple Hue Lo30
Derived From Document IDAE4BD39CE85BAD5AAB7D701B0B202D E8
Derived From Original Document IDAE4BD39CE85BAD5AAB7D701B0B202D E8
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Exif Version0231
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Field Of View76.1 deg
Focal Length In 35mm Format23 mm
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Green Saturation0
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Highlights 2012-100
History Actionderived, saved
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History Instance IDxmp.iid:22dadccb-e4aa-3c41-ac7 c-b9315bc8412b
History Parametersconverted from image/dng to image/jpeg, saved to new location
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.1.1 (Windows)
History When2025:02:07 19:43:56+01:00
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Hyperfocal Distance2.84 m
Image Size8097x5398
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Light Value14.7
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Look Camera Model RestrictionSamsung Galaxy Raw Camera
Look Copyright© 2022 Adobe Systems, Inc.
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Look NameSamsung Expert RAW
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Mask Group Based Corrections WhatCorrection
Metadata Date2025:02:07 19:43:56+01:00
Original Document IDAE4BD39CE85BAD5AAB7D701B0B202D E8
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Preserved File Name20250202_143310.dng
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Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent3.7
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Shadows 2012+100
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Sub Sec Time Original474
SubjectATS, Alpenregion, Baum, Holz, Natur, Pflanze, Schnee, Winter, Winterlandschaft
Thumbnail Offset588
TitleNeureuth 1210 m - Nebel im Tal -HFF
Tone Curve Name 2012Linear
Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 255, 255
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Tone Curve PV2012 Red0, 0, 255, 255
Vignette Amount0
Weighted Flat SubjectPflanze, Natur, Baum, Holz, Schnee, Winter, Winterlandschaft, Alpenregion, ATS
White BalanceAs Shot
Whites 2012+14
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 7.0-c000 1.000000, 0000/00/00-00:00:00