Ralphi in soft evening light


21 Sep 2013

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410 visits

Ralphi in soft evening light

28 Dec 2013

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548 visits

Ralphi in the snow

Tell me the truth... Does this fur coat make me look fat?

09 Jan 2014

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323 visits

January Robin

This poor little fellow must have been blown off course by that Polar Vortex we had. Actually, there was a a group of 5 or 6 of them. Robins in January are truly unheard-of here. The very earliest I have ever seen them was mid-March. The bone-chilling cold was followed by a mild spell, so I hope they had a chance to find their way back to where they belong this time of year.

04 Jan 2014

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414 visits

Is that tree still here?

Ralphi-Girl is having a mild case of the post-Christmas blues.

19 Dec 2013

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358 visits

Winter Cat

One of Ralphi Girl's rare forays into the great, white wilderness. In the winter she turns into an indoor cat. She has no use for the white stuff. I don't blame her.

04 May 2010

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289 visits

Baby Robins

Here is an old photo. The cycle of life begins… The Robins no longer come to my door to build their nest, but once upon a time they returned every year. I was so privileged to be able to watch this little miracle really close up. This year's late Spring brought it to mind.

25 May 2014

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351 visits


here's lookin' at you, kid.

15 Jun 2014

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261 visits

Canada Goose

30 Aug 2014

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565 visits

Ralphi Girl

19 items in total