Über den Wolken


Über den Wolken

15 Oct 2016 21 10 375
Reinhard Mey: Über den Wolken www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK76cnUcj8U


Twisted chimneys

15 Oct 2016 15 11 349
On top of the Krameramtsstuben in Hamburg Dizzy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCDPlU6ioZU

Gooseneck in a dream

18 Jan 2016 10 8 210
A composition of two pictures. The PIPs show the two original pictures


03 Oct 2016 11 10 251
The picture at the botom is a combination of two differently focussed exposures

Vibrating spiderweb thread (view on black)

03 Oct 2016 7 5 227
The length of the shown part is about 50 cm of the total length of about 2 meter The colours were a bit enhanced, as background the blue sky


10 Jul 2016 30 18 370

U-Bahnhof Hafencity Universität (Psychodelic)

02 Mar 2016 18 14 286
Used two versions of the same picture

Falkirk Wheel

28 Apr 2014 6 5 305
Used two pictures and this is the result of subtracting one from the other

' t Klooster in Ter Apel

16 Feb 2016 13 10 437
Startrails: 90 exposures 10 seconds each, f=10 mm, f/8, ISO 1600. For the building I used 1 exposure of 4 second, f=10 mm, f/10, ISO 1600

Orion (negative)

12 Feb 2016 3 9 271
90 exposures, 30 sec each

Dataprocessing (view on black)

12 Feb 2016 9 5 262
Left: combination of 90 exposures (30 sec each), you see the earth moving! Middle: Used a gaussian filter to blur the stars and get a "background" . This shows the light pollution. Right: Subtracting the background from the original

Skyline of New York (from Empire State Building)

01 Jan 2008 4 4 210
1982 slide. One of two slides I got of the Twin Towers. This one was badly dammaged and I had to experiment with it.

Birken im Eisregen

A prismatic Christmas tree

Erdenengel von Edith Breckwoldt (2003)

Der Grossensee bei Nacht

19 Oct 2015 10 8 271
Abends 21:30 mit am Osthimmel das Sternbild (teilweise) Fuhrman (Auriga). War als Experiment gedacht für Aufnahmen mit Orion und Spiegelung der Orion.später im Jahr. Kommt.

86 items in total