Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Folder: Astronomy

05 Jan 2015

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444 visits

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

First sighting of this comet; 5-1-2015 0:15 Canon EOS 400D ISO 1600, f/2.8, T 15 sec, f = 80 mm Very poor conditions, full moon, passing airplanes! This comet migth become a nice target, the conditions are only improving in the comming weeks

15 Jan 2015

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448 visits

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Two versions of the same exposures, a "normal" color version and a negative B/W version. The latter is often used to bring out faint features in astronomical pictures.(in this case the very fait tail of the comet) For this picture I added 5 exposures, ISO 1600 each T= 60 sec. f = 200 mm f/2.8 The exposures were made with a Canon 400D and a Tamron zoom f/2.8 (70 to 200 mm) A small telescope was used for tracking Date 14-1-2015 21:30

17 Jan 2015

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366 visits

Lovejoy meets Pleiades

Pleiades on the left and the comet Lovejoy on the right (greenish colored spot) Six exposures, 5 seconds each, combined Canon 400D, Tamron f/2.8, f=70mm; ISO 1600 No tracking 17-1-2015 19:00

20 Jan 2015

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311 visits

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

20-01-2015 21:00 Canon 400D, ISO 1600, 5x30 sec exposures, f/2,8, f=100 mm Shown in black and white and negativ to show the faint details Tracked with small telescope

04 Feb 2015

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308 visits

Comet campaigne

06 Feb 2015

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384 visits

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Finally a real clear night Canon 700D ISO 3200 T=2x60 sec, Used camera in prime focus of a small telescope, f=750 mm D= 15 cm

09 Mar 2015

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260 visits

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Immer noch sichtbar!! Grosses Bild (9-3-2015) mit f=200 mm Insets mit f=750 mm

21 May 2015

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370 visits

Goodbye Lovejoy (enlarge)

The comet Lovejoy is near the Polar Star (brightest star in this picture), so easy to photograph because you don,t have to track. Lovejoy is the blue spot (nebulosity) in the down right corner of the picture. Point your camera to the Polar Star, f/2,8, f= 70mm, T 30 sec, ISO 800. Try it, may be your first (and last) comet picture is a success Comet Song

28 May 2015

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Last of Lovejoy

Canon 700D in prime focus of small telescope. f=750 mm D=15 cm, 8 x 30 sec, ISO 1600 The bright star is the Polar star, the nebulosity is the comet Lovejoy