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La grande Pénélope (Bourdelle)
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Resolution:100 x 100 dpi
Dimension:3000 x 1000 pixels
Created on:2014:08:02 11:57:22+02:00
Modified on:2014:08:02 11:58:31
Software:Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Windows
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
DescriptionLa grande Pénélope (Bourdelle)
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Exif Version0220
History Actioncreated, saved
History Changed/
History Instance IDxmp.iid:320A66122A1AE411A86CE4 BD77F1628E, xmp.iid:330A66122A1AE411A86CE4 BD77F1628E
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Windows, Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.0 Windows
History When2014:08:02 11:57:22+02:00, 2014:08:02 11:58:31+02:00
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image DescriptionLa grande Pénélope (Bourdelle)
Image Size3000x1000
Metadata Date2014:08:02 11:58:31+02:00
Native Digest256,257,258,259,262,274,277,28 4,530,531,282,283,296,301,318, 319,529,532,306,270,271,272,30 5,315,33432;DD95354206A338D1EE F5723E5E01C9BE
Original Document IDxmp.did:320A66122A1AE411A86CE4 BD77F1628E
Resolution Unitcm
Subject2014, Kunst, Nederland, art, panoramio_2892044_109987358
Thumbnail Offset580
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.1.2

GPS Information

GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level
GPS Latitude52 deg 5' 45.72" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude5 deg 49' 6.23" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Position52 deg 5' 45.72" N, 5 deg 49' 6.23" E
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0