Day Two Details

Wet Plate Adventures

This album records my journey into wet plate photography. It's been a long to in the making and will be a long time in the perfecting........but I have started, and have the black fingertips to prove it. One hopes that my progress will become evident. I have included digital shots of the journey as well.............

Day Two Details

02 Oct 2013 100
Day 2. Learning lots..unfortunately…..I learned dont spray with varnish until scanned.

Day Two Details

02 Oct 2013 101
Day 2. Learning lots..unfortunately…..I learned dont spray with varnish until scanned.Yamasaki Lens

Day Two Details

02 Oct 2013 105
Day 2. Learning lots..unfortunately…..I learned dont spray with varnish until scanned.Yamasaki Lens

Day Two Details

02 Oct 2013 83
Day 2. Learning lots..unfortunately…..I learned dont spray with varnish until scanned.

Day Two Details

02 Oct 2013 113
Day 2. Learning lots..unfortunately…..I learned dont spray with varnish until scanned.Yamasaki Lens

Day Two Details

02 Oct 2013 111
Day 2. Learning lots..unfortunately…..I learned dont spray with varnish until scanned.Yamasaki Lens. This plate was for another camera…but my mods made it not fit, so had to grab my sliding box camera, point it without focusing and expose the plate. I kinda like it anyway….

Wet Plate Beginnings

01 Oct 2013 113
Wet Plate ambrotype on clear glass. Hpme made sliding box cam. Yamasaki Lens. 13 sec exposure, dull light. Lotsa mistakes.its about plate no. 7, and I scraped the emulsion with my finger….doh!

Wet Plate Beginnings

01 Oct 2013 107
Wet Plate ambrotype on clear glass. Home made sliding box cam. Yamasaki Lens. 5 sec exposure, bright light. Lotsa mistakes.its about plate no.5 and I scraped the emulsion with my finger….doh!

Wet Plate Detail

01 Oct 2013 116
A detail from wet plate adventures day 1. Home made sliding box cam. Yamasaki lens on Copal shutter….5 second exposure

The Rider

03 Oct 2013 112
Day3 Tintype. Unknown brass lense, possibly Petzval, Kodak Specialist No.3 LF Camera. Thisnshould perhaps been fixed longer or washed longer… the holder I made used on this cam leaks unless I remember to put something over t. Strait as scanned.e offending area……..

Ghost Rider

03 Oct 2013 1 1 121
Day3 Tintype. Unknown brass lense, possibly Petzval, Kodak Specialist No.3 LF Camera.

Toad The Wet Sprocket

03 Oct 2013 112
Day3 Tintype. Unknown brass lense, possibly Petzval, Kodak Specialist No.3 LF Camera. This should perhaps been fixed longer or washed longer…... pretty strait as scanned.

The Good Oil

02 Oct 2013 99
Wet Plate Adventures. The making of…. Canon EOS 30D. Pentacon 50mm Lens.

Pentacon 50 beauty

02 Oct 2013 107
Wet Plate Adventures. The making of…. Canon EOS 30D. Pentacon 50mm Lens.

Day Two Details

02 Oct 2013 112
Day 2. Learning lots..unfortunately…..I learned dont spray with varnish until scanned.

Kiwi Styles

02 Oct 2013 110
Wet Plate Adventures. The making of…. Canon EOS 30D. Pentacon 50mm Lens.

The Lighting Rig

02 Oct 2013 112
Wet Plate Adventures. The making of…. Canon EOS 30D. Pentacon 50mm Lens.

Two Cameras

02 Oct 2013 128
Wet Plate Adventures. The making of…. Canon EOS 30D. Pentacon 50mm Lens.

23 items in total