
35mm Film

I have quite a few old 35mm cameras that people have given me because they dont use them any more. They think film is dead, that you cant get it anymore.
But some of us know film is beautiful.
I will try and mention the camera, the lense and the film.. Much of the film I use comes from dubious origins, and these were my practise films...as I use those up I look forward to using films I know will w…  (read more)

Westward Ho

25 Nov 2017 2 236
Hasselblad 503crx CZ Plannar 80mm F2.8. kodak Tri-x ID11 Dev 1:1

Trouble In The Fields

25 Nov 2017 249
Hasselblad 503crx CZ Plannar 80mm F2.8. kodak Tri-x ID11 Dev 1:1

The Least Of These

25 Nov 2017 5 1 228
Hasselblad 503crx CZ Plannar 80mm F2.8. kodak Tri-x ID11 Dev 1:1

The Naked Hiltop

03 Dec 2017 260
Hasselblad 505crx. CZ 80mm Planar . RPX 100 Developed in ID 11 1+1 dil.


03 Dec 2017 1 222
Hasselblad 505crx. CZ 80mm Planar . Agfa RPX 100. Devo ID 11 1+1 dil.

Te Whenua

03 Dec 2017 2 253
Hasselblad 505crx. CZ 80mm Planar . RPX 100 Deve ID 11 1+1 dil.

Sitting On The Fence

28 Nov 2017 226
Hasselblad 505crx. Distagon 40mm . HP5+ Deve ID 11 1+3 dil.

Trouble In The Fields

28 Nov 2017 1 217
Hasselblad 505crx. Distagon 40mm . HP5+ Deve ID 11 1+3 dil.

The Night Watchman

19 Nov 2017 2 1 228
Hasselblad 503crx CZ Plannar 80mm F2.8 Lomo Lady Grey 400. Tanol Stand Dev

Tarzan In Ludd Valley

10 Dec 2017 235
FujiHR2 Microfilm, Developed in Tanol, Canon EOS 10s camera.

Te Waikoropupū Springs

11 Dec 2017 2 228
35mm FP4+, Developed in ID11 1:1 for 8mins. Not sure what camera this was, either the AE-1 or some other Canon.Te Waikoropupū Springs Aotearoa/NZ This is a straight scanned neg....no fiddling. Really pleased, was gorgeous light.

Beech Forest

11 Dec 2017 3 252
35mm FP4+, Developed in ID11 1:1 for 8mins. Not sure what camera this was, either the AE-1 or some other Canon. Beech forest on the road from Hammner Springs to Nelson. 2016

On The Fence

11 Dec 2017 1 212
35mm FP4+, Developed in ID11 1:1 for 8mins. Not sure what camera this was, either the AE-1 or some other Canon. On the road somewhere on the way to Golden Bay Aotearoa NZ. pretty well a straight scan of this neg.

On The Fence

11 Dec 2017 1 241
35mm FP4+, Developed in ID11 1:1 for 8mins. Not sure what camera this was, either the AE-1 or some other Canon. On the road somewhere on the way to Golden Bay Aotearoa NZ

Kea On Takaka Hill

11 Dec 2017 1 222
35mm FP4+, Developed in ID11 1:1 for 8mins. Not sure what camera this was, either the AE-1 or some other Canon.

Dancing On The Doorstep

19 Nov 2017 1 212
Bergger 400 Pancro 120 Stand Development. Foregt which medium format camera. Think it was my Mamiya C330

The Road To Damascus

25 Nov 2017 5 2 228
Can't remember which camera. 120mm Bergger Panchro 400. Tanol Stand Dev

They Do Not Toil Nor Worry...

03 Dec 2017 1 258
Bergger 400 Pancro 120 Developed in ID 11 1:1. Hasselblad 503crx, Planar 80mm lense.

168 items in total