Roasted duck


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Getränke, Nahrungsmittel, Lebensmittel. Hjamhjam und sowas.

Roasted duck

31 Dec 2001 631
New years eve - dinner

Asian lunch

26 Nov 2004 1 1 720
My family lunch some asian meals which would taste very well. Mostly roasted chicken, some rice and some turkey hen with sweet-and-sour sauce.

Family at asian restaurant

26 Nov 2004 989
My family lunch some asian meals. Left was my mum, right side her husband (and in 2006 actually only her cuckold, hmpf).

Pierre, noch etwas skeptisch

26 Nov 2004 966
My family lunch some asian meals, Pierre trys it, too. And steals some roasted chicken of my plate while I take photos. Not very nice. But very typically and special by him. But beware: I possible to kill someone for some food.... and that's would be you! ;-)

Häagen-Dazs Choc Choc Chip

18 Aug 2006 877
After that I ate my favorite-icecream: A whole pint of Häagen-dazs "Choc Choc Chip". Hjam... :o) And don't ask why I ate it with a pastry fork - haven't a clean spoon-need to do the dishes first... But that's not really a problem - the icecream smells as good as eaten with a spoon. ;)


01 Jan 2000 1 2 878
Neujahrs - Katerfrühstück bei meiner Mutter. Domino: Kaffeetasse.


01 Jan 2000 887
New Year's eve-meal by my mum. :o)


09 Feb 2005 787
Really huge meal. But unfortunately not just for me...

What's in my fridge?

06 Jul 2003 1145
The content of my fridge

Leckere Wassermelone *slurp* :o)

22 Aug 2006 2 1417
Hm.... I ate tons of it in the last weeks... :-) But just this kind, not the ones which are anucleate - they aren't very sweet when I ate them... like it to disgorge them... ;)

I'm not addicted to burger. ;-)

06 Sep 2006 2 1580
Hmjam. Selfmade-burger with double meat, salad, tomatoes, cheese, cucumber and different kinds of sauces. Yummy!

Foodplates for christmas-familydinner

25 Dec 2006 645
Red cabbage, different kind of sauces, meatroulades You could say we live off the fat of the land. ;-)

Filo dough filled with goat cheese and spinach lea…

02 Apr 2007 895
Topped with another layer of dough and cutted in handy pieces. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Filo dough filled with goat cheese and spinach lea…

02 Apr 2007 1 1 1169
After a few minutes it looked pretty good (and - hehe - not just looked). ;-) See where this picture was taken. [?]

Filo dough filled with goat cheese and spinach lea…

02 Apr 2007 963
...and - of course - a hint of garlic. See where this picture was taken. [?]

One love a day - #003: Cheesy snacks

02 Apr 2007 1 1 1446
Filo dough filled with goat cheese, spinach leaves and a hint of garlic.. Quickly made, tastefully and divisible for friends sitting there to watch some cool DVDs. :-)

One love a day - #004: Ben&Jerry's icecream

03 Apr 2007 1 1000
My favourite ones are "Half Baked", "Cookie Dough" and "Chocolade Therapy" which are fabolous and the meaning of "therapy" told it exactly. Baddly they are expensive (4.95€) and not everywhere sold (just in a few shops, and only a few cities in Germany - one of them are Hamburg, hehe) so I couldn't buy them often but when I buy one I eat one - in one time. I need simple one a week. They aren't just icecream they must be more like drugs... ;-) BTW: Again food for one day a love. You must think food was the only which I love - but beware - it's just a part of my loves - but maybee a important. :> Für die Deutschen, die noch in der Ben&Jerry- Wüste leben: Schaut euch mal die Sorten auf an - sie mögen zugegebenermassen seltsam erscheinen, aber sie sind LECKER! :-) See where this picture was taken. [?]

Da wirst du augenblicklich zum Vegetarier...

11 Apr 2007 1 4 1207
Seltsamer Fund auf dem Fußweg. Ja, das ist wirklich ein Schweinekopf, der mitten auf dem Gehweg lag. Direkt nach Ostern, vielleicht von Leuten gegrillt, die kein Osterlamm mochten?!? Gruppe " Theme of the week ": Thema " Scary things ". See where this picture was taken. [?]

244 items in total