Black Ribbon


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Black Ribbon

28 Jun 2007 1053
Story behind it: Why don't we all change our icons for a while using this black ribbon instead. It is a way for us to say: stop the killing of civilians in both sides. Stop this war. Can you do this? Save this image, upload it in your photostream, and then change your icon. Simple as that! And also, use the last lines of this description (the bold phrase) as your uploaded image tag. (Add the translation of tags in your own language to this phrase, and please add tags to my photo too) You may also interested in joining the MUNDO UNO group. Found on . War should stop NOW - I liked my more than this black one.. ;-)

Weather in Hamburg/Germany from July 20 to July 24…

28 Jun 2007 805
Still hot (with chance the hottest day these year), so I couldn't sleep, don't want to go outside for shopping. I'm now hungry so my cooler needs some content - actually inside: just frozen water... OK... wheres the number of the pizzaservice...?


28 Jun 2007 1049
Dillo 0.8.5-4, Debian Linux Would inform me about the onlinebanking at the "Kieler Volksbank eG" - but these website was totally fuckoff... Try every browser I have and nothing of them work at the crapy website by Kieler Volksbank. So I surelly wouldn't became their Customer... FYI: Even there wasn't any text in maincontentarea there should be some which tells the following: The most common questions and anwers to the topic of onlinebanking Change fontsize or size You would like to change the fontsize in your onlinebanking but done settings didn't take any effect. Saddenly these seting was _not_ changeable by you cause the fontsize and the fontface was germany-wide specified/given for all Volks- and Reiffeisenbanks. This wasn't anythink I have a problem about - if it just will working... but it wasn't... ;o)


28 Jun 2007 978
Galeon 2.0.1-3, Debian Linux Would inform me about the onlinebanking at the "Kieler Volksbank eG" - but these website was totally fuckoff... Try every browser I have and nothing of them work at the crapy website by Kieler Volksbank. So I surelly wouldn't became their Customer... FYI: Text in contentarea tells the following: The most common questions and anwers to the topic of onlinebanking Change fontsize or size You would like to change the fontsize in your onlinebanking but done settings didn't take any effect. Saddenly these seting was _not_ changeable by you cause the fontsize and the fontface was germany-wide specified/given for all Volks- and Reiffeisenbanks. This wasn't anythink I have a problem about - if it just will working... but it wasn't... ;o)


28 Jun 2007 974
Konqueror 4:3.5.3-2, Debian Linux Would inform me about the onlinebanking at the "Kieler Volksbank eG" - but these website was totally fuckoff... Try every browser I have and nothing of them work at the crapy website by Kieler Volksbank. So I surelly wouldn't became their Customer... FYI: Text in contentarea tells the following: The most common questions and anwers to the topic of onlinebanking Change fontsize or size You would like to change the fontsize in your onlinebanking but done settings didn't take any effect. Saddenly these seting was _not_ changeable by you cause the fontsize and the fontface was germany-wide specified/given for all Volks- and Reiffeisenbanks. This wasn't anythink I have a problem about - if it just will working... but it wasn't... ;o)


28 Jun 2007 1085
Mozilla Firefox 1.5.dfsg+, Debian Linux Would inform me about the onlinebanking at the "Kieler Volksbank eG" - but these website was totally fuckoff... Try every browser I have and nothing of them work at the crapy website by Kieler Volksbank. So I surelly wouldn't became their Customer... FYI: Text in contentarea tells the following (sorry, wrong page, but the same problem as the others...).


28 Jun 2007 858
Opera 9.0-20060616.6, Debian Linux Would inform me about the onlinebanking at the "Kieler Volksbank eG" - but these website was totally fuckoff... Try every browser I have and nothing of them work at the crapy website by Kieler Volksbank. So I surelly wouldn't became their Customer... FYI: Text in contentarea tells the following: The most common questions and anwers to the topic of onlinebanking Change fontsize or size You would like to change the fontsize in your onlinebanking but done settings didn't take any effect. Saddenly these seting was _not_ changeable by you cause the fontsize and the fontface was germany-wide specified/given for all Volks- and Reiffeisenbanks. This wasn't anythink I have a problem about - if it just will working... but it wasn't... ;o)

Will now be rainy in Hamburg

28 Jun 2007 875
No rain since days - and about 30°C - 34°C every day - now it will be rainy in the next few days and it will be cooling of a little bit - and that's really great for me! Nachdem heute mit 34°C und wolkenlosem Himmel der bisher heisseste Tag des Jahres war, wird es in den nächsten Tagen endlich wieder etwas erträglicher - und regnerischer... Dafür kann man vielleicht auch mal wieder schlafen - hier im Schlafzimmer sind es momentan schlappe 37°C, das ist doch ganz erträglich.... wenn die Füsse im Wasser stehen und man einen Ventilator besitzt - beides dem Versuch einzuschlafen nicht so sonderlich förderlich... Aktuelles Wetter: Wetterstation in Hamburg, Germany Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.07.2006 at 18:20:00 Lokale Zeit. Temperatur Temperatur: 32 °C Windchill: 32 °C Beschreibung: Fair Taupunkt: 10 °C Wind Geschwindigkeit: 3 km/h Richtung: SO Böen: k.A. UV Index: 1 Risiko: Low Luftdruck Druck: 1013.9 hPa Zustand: unveränderlich Sonne Sonnenaufgang: 04:58:00 Sonnenuntergang: 21:51:00 Andere Luftfeuchtigkeit: 26 % Sicht: 10.0 km

I will use Google before asking dumb questions...

28 Jun 2007 740
Aus gegebenem Anlass. Mein Bruder nervt mal wieder mit "Wo kriege ich das, wo kriege ich jenes, und wie kriege ich das zum Laufen"... Oder direkt via ;-) Obwohl ich ihn eher auf verweise, aber nun ist echt langsam mal gut.....


22 Jun 2007 1047
Kleinerer Bug. Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7, Windows 2000 Screenshot von "ipernity beta", Albumansicht vom 22. Juni 2007.

Medienübergreifende Vernetzung --> Hallo MAWSpitau…

20 Jun 2007 2 2 2548
Klar bin ich das. Muss nur überlegen, ob ich es bleibe - ich teste gerade diverseste Sachen...

Settlers3 - party for the new worldcup-winner Ital…

28 Jun 2007 981
I've just playing the settlers3-game on my computer - and it looks quite funny to me in which way these settlers formed the layout of Italy... ;-) And they wear blue shirts, just like the italien worldcupwinners! But with one difference than the worldcup: Hhere the blue Team lost the game. :o)


04 Aug 2007 1188
Er collected, dann speichert er ihn für einen Tag, beim nächsten Neustart collected er dann wieder...

Weather in April, Hamburg/Germany

25 Apr 2007 839
Any questions? And these aren't the hottest days, we allready had 83°F in early April. The last significant rain we got in the middle of March. Some forests are locked cause the possibly of forest fires - they are parched. Usually we had these conditions in the end of summer. "Normal" spring - conditions for middle europe, LOL...? But I wouldn't say to much about that issue cause then it WOULD be rainy next days. It's OK to lay in the sun...

Me sitting in the stadium of Calli Island

14 May 2007 1085
OK, FC St. Pauli - supporter visited Calli Island, the Island of Reiner Calmund, the (ex?)Chairmen of Bayer Leverkusen-soccerclub. Nicely camping-seats, nice people around and a nice stadium, what would you like more as a soccersupporter?! secondlife://Calli%20Island%201/124/171/202 -

My portrait at the walk of fame. Closeby: Uwe Seel…

17 May 2007 1056
OK, Uwe Seeler was a guy which was a famous representant of the hamburger sv which was the local rival of my favourite soccerteam FC St. Pauli so it's some kind of freakness to put my face close to him wearing the trikot of FC St.Pauli - but they let me do it, LOL. So my photo hanging closeby at the ones of Reiner Calmund and Uwe Seeler at the walk of fame on Calli Island, hehe. Photo which I'd used: - secondlife://Calli%20Island%202%201/146/194/58

The neighboorhoud of my homepage

18 May 2007 1010 Looks interesting. :)

Day #044: Forget the 365er for today

14 Feb 2007 535
But counted this one so the "count the days since january 1st"- panel aren't showing the wrong number (and I had to view in my set to watch which number was done one day ago). And yeah - I know that it should call "forgot", hmpf. As I said - not my day,. in any way.. Totally missplayed one.

123 items in total