On the road

Gaza convoy, autumn 2010

The "Road to Hope" politically-independent humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza, October & November 2010, including the journey and the kidnapping incident where a group of 10 convoy members and 7 Libyan police / port officials were taken to sea against their will aboard the Strofades IV ferry, its car loading ramp open to the sea, and lifejackets denied to those kidnapped... This set does not include…  (read more)

On the road

11 Oct 2010 85
The "Road to Hope" humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza underway in Europe.


16 Oct 2010 127
The border between Morocco and Algeria was opened especially for us. It has been closed for the best part of 20 years because of a dispute between the countries over Western Sahara. It was opened only twice: both times for essentially this group of volunteers en route to Gaza with humanitarian aid. (The first time was under the guise of Viva Palestina, and the second time, as Road to Hope.)

Morocco to Algeria. Again!

16 Oct 2010 90
The border between Morocco and Algeria was opened especially for us. It has been closed for the best part of 20 years because of a dispute between the countries over Western Sahara. It was opened only twice: both times for essentially this group of volunteers en route to Gaza with humanitarian aid. (The first time was under the guise of Viva Palestina, and the second time, as Road to Hope.)

Processing time

16 Oct 2010 103
The border between Morocco and Algeria was opened especially for us. It has been closed for the best part of 20 years because of a dispute between the countries over Western Sahara. It was opened only twice: both times for essentially this group of volunteers en route to Gaza with humanitarian aid. (The first time was under the guise of Viva Palestina, and the second time, as Road to Hope.) Naturally, there's a bit of a wait — this is unusual paperwork!

Algerian escort

18 Oct 2010 101
Through troubled regions the escort changes from police to army.

Something in the water?


19 Oct 2010 85
This particular meal (and that night's accomodation) were courtesy of an Algerian training college, for teachers planning to work with children with special needs.

Uncle spots an interloper

19 Oct 2010 110
What's E3 doing amongst C team? ;)

The charm of the Irish

19 Oct 2010 84
These guys could be relied upon at all times to be thoroughly good company :)

Proud father...

19 Oct 2010 102
...of a new injector pump and accelerator assembly. The driver of this one had been operating the accelerator cable by hand after it broke... having been repaired already just one country previously, in Morroco. Looked like they'd installed their repaired part upside-down, causing knock-on damage, so the Algerian mechanic had to replace it.

Anwar on TV

Our American cousin...

19 Oct 2010 94
Irving in discussion with one of the thoroughly lovely and very generous Algerian translators.

Trainee teachers & the resurrected van!

19 Oct 2010 93
Together with a van that was abandoned, seriously broken, on the first Viva Palestina convoy in spring 2009! We had trouble with another van this time, in the same place – Bordeaux – and were able to swap it with our friends there, for this one, which had been repaired!

Trainee teacher guys

19 Oct 2010 97
All brilliant people. The one on the left is clearly the secret lovechild of Jean Reno and Freddie Mercury... ;)

Can we be photographed together please?

19 Oct 2010 116
There was a lot of this... ;)

Quiet time

Our Algerian translator

19 Oct 2010 135
This guy was brilliant and deeply generous with his time (and his friends' transportation for us!) I plan to send all the folks here Road to Hope T-shirts which they are very much looking forward to! :)


19 Oct 2010 79
Snaking off into the distance, this is Charlie team heading up Bravo and Echo, with Tox's yellow bus, E1, visible on the rightmost apex.

140 items in total