

146 visits  |  Translate into English

Places, things, and people, with the common criterion that they are from far from my home, whatever that is!

01 Apr 2000

143 visits


En route to Kosova, from the top of one of the amazing Pindas mountains in Greece as we wound around the twisty roads. A shot showing somewhere near where i was standing is here . Taken on the old faithful Pentax ME-Super, 50mm (f1.7) lens, yellow filter, Kodak Tri-X. Sorry about film scanner losing the highlights!

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23 Jun 2004

62 visits

Super-fierce animal

This is a magical cat. I decided he was so beautiful and well posed by his carnations that I would return the next day to his elegant little art shop and deliver some food to him. But the next day – and on every subsequent occasion I've been to Amsterdam – the shop isn't there. I've trawled these streets. Believe me, it really isn't there. And it didn't just close down, it's really gone. Should you ever be around Kaisergracht, keep your eyes open, please... As for the photo, sorry about the blurriness. But he's too cool to trash. Update: I still haven't found him again, but it seems I bore Amsterdam's cats .

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01 Nov 2003

67 visits

Perlina kids

Children from a really happy "experimental" school in Chernihiv, Ukraine. We support these kind of places; Taken with a Pentax ME-Super on Ilford XP2 (probably — from memory.)

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01 Sep 2002

103 visits

Volga for sale

(in bits) Seen at a car auction near Chernihiv in Ukraine - where I work on a humanitarian aid project supporting the victims of Chernobyl - Taken with a Pentax ME-Super on Agfa 200 (probably — from memory.)

01 Sep 1999

111 visits

fruit seller

In Gjilane, south-east Kosova, where we'd just delivered equipment to the hospital. Taken with a snappy little Canon compact zoom, sorry about the dreadful scan from a cheap film scanner.

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13 Aug 2003

62 visits

fishermens' renault

I guess this never goes on the main roads any more; look closely, there's still a communist star on the number plate. (Found in Montenegro, while trying to work out which dirt track went into Albania! )

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26 Jun 2005

100 visits


During the Sen'kovka festival, Russia, 2005. I'm there with a bunch of friends from the Our Generation youth group in Chernigov, Ukraine. The photo's by my friend Tonia.

01 Apr 2004

94 visits

Cossack horseman's muscles

This is the statue where I met Ewan McGregor! ;) It's stunningly impressive, two riders on horseback stretching out right across the road (some way after Lvov, heading east for Kiev.) You gape in wonderment that the Soviet bolts (connected only at the rearmost hooves) are still holding. Then gape again when you see the detail of the panel-beating. [I travel to Ukraine as part of a humanitarian aid project working with the victims of Chernobyl - ]

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03 Mar 2005

91 visits


Africa, viewed from Spain! This was our night-stop, a fort overlooking the Spanish enclave Ceuta, on the tip of Morocco.
39 items in total