Becky's demon

Best (of) friends

My favourites of photos of people who, one way or another, are not strangers

Becky's demon

09 Apr 2008 96
(Can you spot him?)

Team 11 try not to leave

товарищи II

29 Jul 2009 119
("Comrades") Three of the four awesome Vagabonds of the Eastern World , as this Irish team was called, along with John who'd joined my team after losing his vehicle. These. Guys. Rock.

Pool shark


Mission accomplished

Jen (2)

Evil incarnate

En route

03 Jul 2005 127
I'm doing my Michael York impression.

Almost not hiding

Roger amidst the bubbles

01 Mar 2002 83
At the Aratta community centre, Ukraine. Pentax ME-Super, 50mm, no flash, very yellow lighting... is all I remember.

ClaireDave & MhairiDave

17 Jul 2005 98
Pentax Super A, 50mm, Agfa 200 print.

Suzi Roma airport

16 Aug 1999 88
I love this capture. It's in Rome airport, returning home without Truck after the epic weeks in Kosova (Kosovo) during July & August 1999. ( ) Taken with an old manual Nikon (can't remember which model) on Kodak Tri-X. You can also see a test strip from the darkroom, which I really like - accidental art! - here .

Waterborne 3

14 Jul 2007 125

How low can you go?

19 Sep 2006 104
Extreme sports in Aberdeen. I haven't used it much yet, but this really isn't bad for a photo from a mobile phone. It's got lots of fringing at full magnification (not digital zoom) and isn't great in low light (which I've also heard is true of the low-spec Sony cameras it's presumably based on) but still... I like having it around for moments like... this.

flower puppet

01 Sep 2000 95
Suzi with her new friend. I've shifted the colours a lot because my scanner went a bit crazy — what colour management? Taken on the old faithful Pentax ME-Super, 50mm.

Suzi & Jim

01 Sep 2000 138
Jim Browning is an "adventurer", and a bit of a hero. Seen here with Suzi in Prishtinë, Kosova, in the midst of an unlikely and unplanned expedition to rescue truck from Albania. Jim hadn't been to Albania before, but nevertheless after we'd finished the aid delivery we were doing in Kosova, he agreed to take me across the mountains. My truck had been languishing there since dropping his propshaft just ouside Rubik. Six months on, and apart from the rats' nest in the heater he was basically okay. Made it as far as Bari in Italy before the improperly repaired prop fell off again, but we got him home and he did four convoys to Chernobyl after that :) Tales on Not sure which camera produced this, either the Pentax ME-Super or an ancient Nikon. Either would have had a 50mm lens and Kodak Tri-X or Plus-X.

70 items in total